chapter 2

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SNAKEKIT TROTTED CONFIDENTLY ahead, weaving elegantly through the pine branches. Viperkit, on the other paw, was having a harder time, often tripping over the various roots or having his face slapped by pine needles. It often resulted in him falling over and tumbling around for a bit.

Snakekit let out a sigh as he heard another yelp from Viperkit, followed by a thud; sure enough, his brother soon rolled over to him, paws flinging in the air.

"Sorry, sorry," Viperkit apologized as he climbed up. His gray tabby fur was now matted with mud. "I didn't see that frog there, and I got startled."

"Frogs are rather scary," Frozenkit offered as she trotted up to the brothers. She paused, gazing around the endless-looking pine forest, pretty white fur ruffling. "Are we getting close, or should we head back to camp? The dawn patrol's going to be over soon, and everyone's going to wake up."

Snakekit whisked his tail. There was no way he would head back to camp when they were this close. "No, no, we're almost there. Follow me."

Viperkit walked beside Snakekit, dipping his head to whisper into his brother's ear. "Do you know where we're going? We don't want to wander around the forest too long, otherwise we'll get into trouble."

Snakekit dismissed his concerns with a flick of his ears. "I know the route. Foxstorm described it once." His eyes lit up with triumph as they spotted a fallen, blackened tree. "Aha! See, the Burnt Sycamore. Now, if we take a sharp left here..."

Confidence filled Snakekit as the scent of crow-food got stronger and stronger. They were nearing the Carrionplace, though even he had to admit it was just some stroke of luck. 

Soon, ring of barriers came into sight. Snakekit thought they looked like brambles of some sort, but he remembered the elders describing them as 'fences'. Inside those fences, piles and piles of crow-food laid, and what seemed to be a den was tucked away to the side.

"Ew, it stinks," Frozenkit commented, her nose wrinkling.

"Snakekit, maybe we should turn back," Viperkit meowed shakily, the scent of fear emitting heavily from him. "We don't want to encounter any giant rats."

"Why not? We can fight them off," Snakekit replied, starting to make his way into the Carrionplace. Getting closer, he felt his nose wrinkle at the smell as well, and the rustles within the crow-food were unnerving. However, Viperkit and Frozenkit were following him, so he couldn't just turn around now.

"See? There's nothing to be afraid of," Snakekit mewed, trying to keep his voice from shaking, turning around to face his friends. He ignored the rumbling sound that came from the nearby Thunderpath. "No giant rats."

Viperkit ruffled his pelt. "I guess not. But we should go back now, otherwise we'll be-" His words broke off, and Snakekit watched Viperkit and Frozenkit's eyes grow wide with fear as they stared at something behind him.

"What's wrong?" Snakekit mewed, feeling himself freeze up, trying to seem calm and in control.

"T-T-" Viperkit stuttered. "There's a Two- behind you-"

"There's a what behind me?" Snakekit's voice was definitely shaking now, but he was too scared to turn around and see for himself.

"Twoleg!" Frozenkit shrieked, and the gray tabby spun around. The first thing he saw was a weirdly shaped paw reaching toward him, almost touching his face, too close for his comfort.

Panicked yowls escaped the three kits, and Snakekit felt himself lash a paw out at the Twoleg's before turning around and fleeing. 


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