chapter 3

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WAKING UP TO THE SOUND OF FEATHERFLIGHT'S screeching voice was probably one of the things Mintkit hated most in the world. Unfortunately, it was something she had to experience often.

Her two dimwit brothers loved nothing more than to sleep, eat, and cause trouble. They often woke up earlier than anyone else in ShadowClan to mess around, and Featherflight was always happily first in line to put them in their place.

The gray tabby she-kit groaned as a particularly high shrill was produced. Great StarClan, she didn't know Featherflight's vocal cords could go so high. Her ears folded back onto her head and she shoved her muzzle into the nest, prickling with annoyance.

However, try as she might, she couldn't fall back asleep. So, finally, Mintkit peeled her eyes open, wishing her brothers could've kept themselves out of trouble for longer so she could've slept longer.

Warm sunlight spilled into the nursery, indicating that it was well into the morning. Well, maybe it was time to get up, anyway.

The she-kit dragged herself out of her nest with a yawn, noting that there was nobody else in the nursery except her. Yes, definitely time to get up.

Slipping out of the den, she soon spotted Viperkit and Snakekit with an indignant expression on their faces as Featherflight scolded them. However, to her surprise, Frozenkit was standing next to the toms, though she wore a more ashamed look on her face.

"I can't believe you two," Featherflight was snarling, "dragging my Frozenkit into danger like that."

Sweetkit crouched behind her mother, watching the entire ordeal.

Mintkit trotted up to her. She didn't particularly like Sweetkit, but she was the only one at the moment who could tell her what was happening. "What's going on?"

The brown-and-white she-kit ruffled her fur. "Your brothers decided to take a trip to the Carrionplace this morning, and forced Frozenkit to go along," she mewed icily. "They would've been killed if the dawn patrol didn't find them."

Mintkit's ears twitched at Sweetkit's words.

Her brothers had snuck out of camp?

Without her?

Jealousy pummeled through the gray she-kit. Sure, they were closer with each other than with her, that much was to be expected. But they'd never left her out in something as big as sneaking out of camp. It was their first glimpse of ShadowClan's territory, and she hadn't been a part of it. It hurt.

But what hurt even more was that they'd brought Frozenkit along. They included a random cat rather than their own sister.

And suddenly, Mintkit found herself glaring at the white she-kit. "Are you sure they 'dragged' Frozenkit along?" she all but growled. "Your sister's not exactly a cat sent from StarClan, you know. She can make mistakes, and bad decisions."

Sweetkit shot her a look. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the nest," she muttered.

Suddenly, the entrance of the camp rustled. Clearfrost appeared from the bramble tunnel, in her jaws carrying a bundle of herbs, some strong scent that Mintkit couldn't identify.

The medicine cat's gaze swept the camp before quickly gaining understanding of what had happened, making her way over to Featherflight calmly and setting down her herbs.

"Mother," she greeted. "Might I ask why you have blessed us with such loud yowls so early this fine morning?"

Featherflight all but glared. Mintkit had been told there was already tension between mother and daughter, but the addition of the three kits only made it worse. Now it was blatantly obvious to everyone that there was something going on between Featherflight and Clearfrost; the two stopped trying to hide it.

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