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"and shadowclan holds power over there,

in the darkest part of the forest.

the elders say that the cold winds from the north

blow over the shadowclan cats and chill their hearts."


i'm sure you guys all know what shadowclan is. but in case you don't, just for a little background information, shadowclan cats live in a pine forest. they often hide in the shadows as battle strategy, and are very stealthy. they can climb trees, and their camp is protected by brambles, and there's a tunnel in which they enter and exit the camp.

okay, now focusing more specifically on this story, this plot will take place in the old forest. i don't really have any time frame in mind, but this book really doesn't interact with any cannon warrior cat characters. along with that, skyclan's not in this story, so this should be after skyclan leaves.

since this is the old forest, there will be old landmarks, such as the carrionplace, burnt sycamore, and thunderpath tunnel.

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