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My vision tunneled as I sat in the limo beside Keigo. I ran my hand through my hair, trying the method that has helped me release the stress but to no avail.

I heard Shoto say something but I couldn't hear. It felt like I was underwater, gasping for breath but only met with water. The pang in my heart did let up, a weight on my chest that didn't do away.

"We'll drop you guys off at dads." I say even though I don't know if they're even listening. I just have to get them away fast so I can be alone. "I have a late night mission so I don't want you guys to be alone."

Shoto looked like he wanted to argue, but Igarashi grabbed his wrist, "Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come to the gala."

I forced a smile, "No problem." What was a problem was this weight in my chest. I did what Keir wanted me to do.


Maybe she tricked me. She must've had something else on that paper. Something she didn't want me to see. When I signed my name, I must've signed an agreement to her having control over me.

So how could I break it?




Neito Monoma sat in the diner in the back booth he always sat in, his iced coffee was forgotten as he wrote on the stack of paper in front of him so fast it seemed like fire was trailing the end of it.  "Stupid 1-A. I'll show them. I'll show them how much better class B is."

Even when he spoke the words, he knew a part of him was lying. 

You failed us Neito! You got a horrible standing in the Sports Festival, how could you? 

It's his quirk! His quirk is so fucking useless. 

Neito slowed his writing, he still couldn't get over his parents' hard voices, how their eyes looked at him with resentment. He knew he wasn't good enough. Never good enough. 

He shook his head. He couldn't be thinking about this! He had a project to do,  Kendo and him would get the best grade on the stupid group project, then maybe his parents would finally say they were proud of him. 

"Stop thinking about it. Focus Neito."  he muttered to himself.

"If you stop thinking about it then it'll never go away." 

Neito gasped and pressed himself to the back of the booth seat. 

Keir was sitting right across from him.

What should he do? Maybe he could get the attention of people around him! Maybe he could steal her quirk, whatever it was, and escape.

"I've been wanting to meet you for so long Neito Monoma." She spoke as if they were buddies. 

"W-What are you doing here?" He stammered, he balled his fists. 

Her gaze seemed to penetrate him to his core, he wanted to look away, but...he couldn't look away. 

"I need your help. I am sure you'll help me of course. Because if you do, then your Class 1-B will rise above the 1-A. You'll finally be better then your rivals." 

Neito's protests died in his throat, he bit his lip, "But why me? I'm sure there are other people who could help you." 

"Because like you, I am a thief. Someone who never got accepted." She reached her hand out, her bare hand. 

If he wanted, Neito could touch her hand and take her quirk. 

However, there was a nagging in his head that if he did it he would regret it. Instead he didn't move. "I don't understand."


Neito's eyes widened and he couldn't stop the look of pure terror on his face, he was at a lost for words. How? How did she know that name?    

"From the look on your face I can tell you remember who she is." Keir said, "I recently saw her, she seemed to be doing just fine. Maybe she forgot all about you."

Neito looked to his lap, where his fists were clutching his jeans so tight his knuckles were turning white. Himiko Monoma was his older cousin, after her parents dropped her off on his parents' doorstep when she just stared middle school, she started to live with them. 

Until she killed her class mate of course.

Then she changed her name, and ran. 

But even now, Neito could still feel the gaze of his parents. 

The pressure to never be like her. 

He had to be the best to bring his family pride. He had to wipe away all the dirt Himiko put on his family. He had to be the one who brought fame to his family's name. 

"You are misunderstood." Keir said, "Hated for your passion when other's are praised. Looked down upon for your quirk when others have weaker ones and are glorified. Your quirk is said to be useless, weak." She reached out the grabbed his arm, she mouth quirking in a smile, "I beg to differ."

He knew this was a manipulation tacit, hell he's even done something like this before. Neito could tell that what she was saying, she believed. He could see it in the depths of her brown eyes.  He knew people called him an egotistical maniac, but who wouldn't be if they were in his position. Who wouldn't be a little crazy if their parents put stone hard pressure on their backs, forcing them to be the best even if they were the best. Not giving them a second of their time. Never being good enough. 

Neito Monoma set his lips in a firm line, "Alright, I'll help you."

A/N: Sorry for my absence. I spent sometime in the mental health hospital, and thankfully they told me I could leave a few days ago. while i was there, i was able to view myself differently and it's totally helped out a lot! 

They encouraged me to keep writing, since writing is the best therapy for me. I am sorry once again for my absence, but you can expect me to be writing lots of chapters now. 

Thank you for all your votes, comments, and love. 

Stay safe, drink water, YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Sailor

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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