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Ever since I can remember, Enji Todoroki has been obsessed with power.

Ever since he wasn't able to surpass All Might, he sought out a child that could. A masterpiece.

He thought he made it with his firstborn son. However his fire was too hot for his frail skin and he wasn't able to use it without burning himself.

A failure.

Then his firstborn daughter. A small girl with red and white hair and gray eyes. However she never developed a quirk.

A failure.

And then another one. His second born daughter. She showed so much promise. She was strong and healthy. However when she developed her quirk, it wasn't a fire based one. Therefore...

Another failure.

Then his second son, who did develop a quirk as well. But he couldn't even use it without freezing his hands badly. And he couldn't train.


Then finally. Finally. His thirst for power was quenched when his youngest was born. A half and half boy with the power over ice and fire.

The perfect masterpiece.

I remember when I was eight years old and hiding behind the doorframe with my older brother Touya who was wrapped in bandages too many to count.

It's been so long since our mother has laid eyes on him. They had the same hair color, with Touya just now getting streaks of white from using his quirk, and the same eyes. With even the same burns.

To our mother it was almost too much.

I also couldn't remember when she last looked my in the eyes. Even though I mostly took after her, I still had his eyes.

Still, I was crying behind the door with Touya holding my hand, shushing me before we were caught. Our father was talking to someone over the phone about Shoto. The only times he mentioned anyone else was when my name came out of his mouth. Calling me a failure. Saying I would be better off as quirkless then inheriting my mothers quirk.

We jumped in surprise when a loud and painful wail filling the halls. Our father quickly hung up the phone and ran to the sound.

"Nii-chan, what was that?" I whispered.

"I don't know. I'll check it out, okay? You can go to the room." He reassured me.

In the morning I learned that Shoto was burned by our mother. Who was driven to insanity by our father. She was in the mental hospital, where I'd get to see her again in three years.

I remember the hateful shouts that our father yelled to my older brother. And I remember Shoto crying in his bedroom at night until he fell asleep.

I couldn't take it.

One night, after Shoto went to bed, I snuck into his room and tucked him in. Pulling the bedsheets over him and kissing his head softly. Then I laid my palm over his desk and made a small smowman.

The next morning I swore I saw Shoto smile softly.

So I did it again.

And continued to do it until one night when I snuck in, he was awake.

I had just pulled the covers over him and kissed his head. I was getting ready to make him another snowman when I heard him.

"What are you doing?"

I snapped over to look at him, his eyes weren't angry, just curious. His bandage had been taken off, leaving behind a big burn scar.

"I was just.." I started.

"It's okay. I know what you were doing. I like your snowmen. They make me smile."

I smiled. "I know."

Shoto sat up and touched the place where I kissed him. "Why did you do that?"


"The thing. Where you put your lips on my head." He said.

"This?" I asked. I leaned down and kissed his head again.

He nodded.

"That's called a kiss. Touya told me people give them to people they love." I explained.

"I've never had a kiss before." Shoto said.

"Only Touya gives them to me when I'm sad." I told Shoto, climbing on his bed beside him. "He said they're promising that you'll get better and you love them."

Shoto smiled softly. "I like your kisses Nee-Chan."

"I like giving them to you Shoto." I giggled.

"I can't sleep tonight." Shoto told me.

I hummed. "Do you wanna get some milk?"

"Why would that help?"

"I don't know! In some of the books I read, people do that when they can't sleep." I told him.

"What if dad catches us?" He said, a tremor of fear in his voice now.

I gently ran my hand through his hair, "Don't worry. I'll protect you. I promise I will."

Shoto thought about it for a few seconds until he nodded his head. I smiled and helped him out of bed.

We tiptoed to the door and down the hall, Shoto's small hand clasped in mine.

When we made it to the kitchen we opened the fridge slowly.

"There's the milk!" Shoto whispered.

"I got it." I said. Reaching up and grabbed it and slid it over to me. I almost dropped it because it was so heavy.

"Careful Nee-Chan!" Shoto said.

I giggled sheepishly before heaving it on the counter. I grabbed a cup and poured the milk in the cup. Careful not to spill it.

"I did it!" I told Shoto.

I spun the top back on the milk carton and handed Shoto the milk. He took a big sip.

"It's kinda cold." He said.

"In the books they always said it was hot and warm though." I said. "They must have heated it up!"

I grabbed the cup and walked over to the microwave. I pressed the open button and placed the cup inside. I gently pressed the one and five button, Shoto gasping every time the small beep sounded.

"Okay. Please don't be loud." I begged the microwave. When it started the small hum was soft and I held my breath, waiting for it to be done.

A piercing beep sounded and Shoto gasped. "Nee-Chan! Take it out!"

"Oh no! Oh no! It's loud!"

I quickly pressed the button and the beeping stopped and the door swung open.

We stood silent waiting for anyone to walk in the kitchen and catch us. However no one did and we could breath again.

"That was close!" I whispered.

I took the cup out and took a sip. Nice and warm.

"There. Now drink it." I passed it to Shoto. He drank it and set the empty cup on the counter.

"I liked it." He declared.

"Good!" I smiled putting the cup in the sink.

We walked hand in hand back to his room. He climbed into bed and I pulled the covers over him and kissed his head.

"Goodnight, Shoto. Sleep well." I said gently.

Shoto smiled back. "Goodnight."

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