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Y/N was in the restroom, washing her hands, when Nezuko walked in.

"Hi, Y/N!" She said.

"Huh? Oh, hi, Nezuko. What are you doing up here? There are restrooms downstairs that are closer to your class," Y/N replied.

Nezuko just stood there, staring at Y/N.

"Come with me, Y/N! I have something to show you!" She finally said, grabbing Y/N's hand.

"Ah... We really shouldn't. The passing period isn't that long, and I-"

"Oh, nonsense! It'll be quick! I promise~"

Y/N sighed before grabbing her bag and walking out of the restroom with Nezuko.

"Where are we going, Nezuko?"
Y/N asked.

"It's a suprise~" She replied ominously.

Y/N looked around.

'Is Yorrichi still watching me...? I hope so... Nezuko seems kinda... off...'

Nezuko led Y/N behind the school, where Tanjiro was waiting for them.

"Oh, hi, Tanjiro...! Um... What's going on...?"

Tanjiro smiled, though it wasn't the same sweet smile that he always had.

Rather, it was an unnerving and sadistic smile.

"Oh, Y/N~ You're really dense, you know that, right~? There are so many people that like you, and you haven't noticed~" He said.

Nezuko grabbed Y/N's shoulders tightly, holding her firmly in place as Tanjiro walked up to her.

"Let me go, Nezuko! What the hell is up with you guys?!" Y/N demanded, snuggling against Nezuko.

Despite her smaller stature, Nezuko was surprisingly strong and was able to keep Y/N in place.

Tanjiro laughed as he pulled out a syringe.

"Don't worry, Y/N~! It'll all be over soon~!"

Just as he was about to inject the needle into Y/N's neck, he stopped.

Nezuko's grip faltered.

They both fell to the ground unconscious.

"I knew something wasn't right about them..." Yorrichi said, suddenly appearing beside Y/N.

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Kamado Tanjiro

𝓔𝓾𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓬 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now