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They Fell

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Y/N could hear shouting and yelling from the mob behind her, but it didn't let it deter her from running.

She ran through the dark forest, making quick turns here and there.

"What if there is no cliff, Y/N?! What if-"

"If there's no cliff, then we'll just find some poisonous berries or something!"

"Y/N, they're gaining on us!"

Y/N looked back and saw that the mob was getting closer.

Some of them were even reaching out to her in an attempt to grab her.

She returned her attentiont to in front of her, not wanting to be distracted from her goal.

She ran and ran.

The trees were getting more numerous, and it was getting darker.

'Did I make the wrong decision coming to this forest? No, don't think that!' She thought to herself.

She ran until she found it: a cliff.

She looked down and saw that it was a huge fall.

"There's no way we're going to survive that!" She said excitedly.

S/N looked at her in concern.

"You seem very... eager about this..."


The two looked back and saw the mob standing there, looking at them.

"Y/N-nee..." Rui uttered.

Y/N looked at Rui sadly.

"I'm sorry, Rui... But I have to..."

"Wait, Y/N! You aren't actually going to..." Tanjiro said, taking a step forward.

Sabito put a hand in front of him.

"It's for the best..."

"We'll miss you, Y/N," Makomo said with a sad smile.

"Jeez, nobody's sad that I'm going to die, too...?" S/N uttered.

Y/N simply laughed.

Her laughter turned into nervous giggles as she saw some of the people slowly making their ways towards her.

She took S/N's hand and took a few steps back until finally...

They fell.

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✿Present-Day Secrets✿

❥ Anyways, I'm not going to say too much since what I want to say is going to be in the author's note, which I'm going to add at the end of the epilogue!

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𝓔𝓾𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓬 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now