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Before Y/N could say anything, a large hand slammed over her mouth.

She started to struggle, but the person behind her was considerably strong and nearly a head taller than her.

She couldn't even kick him with how he held her so close and tightly.

"Shh~ Don't struggle~ You'll only make it worse~" the person purred.

She could tell that the person was a male.

His voice was playful.

Too playful...


"Stop squeezing her so tightly, you shithead...! You'll suffocate her...!" whispered another person.

His voice was also masculine, but it was much more serious.


"Aw~ You're no fun, Akaza-dono~" Douma pouted.

"Be quiet...! You'll wake them up...!"

'Where's Yorrichi when you need him?!' Y/N thought to herself, wincing in pain at his tight grip.

"You're hurting her...! Muzan-sama will kill you...!"

"Oh, hush, Akaza-dono~! I'm just making sure she doesn't escape, is all~ You should probably give her the sedative now!"

Akaza groaned, but he did as Douma said.

He pulled out a syringe filled with some sort of clear liquid.

Y/N screamed, her cries muffled by Douma's hand.

She tried to struggle, but Douma's other arm kept a firm grip on her waist.

"Don't worry... This shouldn't hurt too much..."

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✿Present-Day Secrets

❥ I was going to make Yorrichi save Y/N, but she hasn't really had time to bond with the 'demons', so let's just say that Yorrichi went on a quick milk run- Don't worry, he'll be back (Unlike my dad, who went all the way to Texas with his new wife and son-)!

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