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Y/N took a deep breath as she prepared to approach Tanjiro.

'You can do this, Y/N...! Don't be a pussy...!'

Y/N tapped Tanjiro on the shoulder.

She instantly regretted doing so the moment he turned to her.

His eyes were wide and filled with obsession.

"Hey, Tanjiro...!" She said awkwardly.

'Why am I doing this?! I'm such an idiot!'

"Hi, Y/N!" Tanjiro said a little too happily.

"Um... So... I have a favor...!"

"Of course! Anything for you, Y/N!"

"Great...! I need you to come to my house after school...!"

Tanjiro tilted his head in curiosity.

"Why? Is there something that you want to do or tell me?"

"J-Just be there...!"

Y/N quickly turned around and walked away in embarrassment.

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Tanjiro was walking alongside Y/N and S/N.

S/N gave Y/N a nervous side-glance, which Y/N returned.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, was staring intently at Y/N.

He was wondering what she could possibly need that required him to come to her home.

'Perhaps... No, get your head out of the gutter, Tanjiro...! It'd be a miracle if she wanted that...!' He thought to himself.

Y/N and S/N welcomed Tanjiro inside.

"Yorrichi!" Y/N called out.

"Yes?" Yorrichi said, appearing out of nowhere once again.

"Please keep an eye on Tanjiro for me... I don't want him trying anything funny..." She whispered before going to her bedroom.

Yorrichi glanced at Tanjiro suspiciously.

Tanjiro glared back at him.

'What a nuisance! I'll have to get rid of him somehow!' Tanjiro thought.

'Try me, little boy,' Yorrichi thought.

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Kamado Tanjiro

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Tsugikuni Yorrichi

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✿Modern-Era Secrets✿

❥ Tanjiro had plans to do some... things in Y/N's house, but Yorrichi's going to prevent him from doing so.

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