Tragic truth

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This is the continuation of the story. I hope you enjoy :3

- Red's POV -

We were having dinner, me and the boys. Blue and Green were talking about how many kids they killed today, but Orange was oddly silence. Like he's usually the loudest one at the table. And today he's just sitting there.

Red: Orange are you ok? You still didn't eat your food and usually you'd be finished by now.

Orange: What?- Oh! Sorry. I was just... thinking.

Then he starts to focus on the food in front of him. I watch him for a bit and then move my attencion to Blue and Green. After some time we all finished and went back to our rooms. One thing I noticed, was that Orange was walking out of the room. Normally he'd be running around like crazy, but today even Blue moved faster than him. I was going to say something, but I quickly decide to let him be.

- Orange's POV -

During dinner I barely said anything. I ketp thinking about her. Why did she return? Was she there the whole time? Does she remember me? And then my thinking gets interrupted by Red asking if I'm ok. Pff, why does he care all of a sudden? Oh yeah! Maybe becouse if there's something wrong with me, he'll have to make another one of us to kill children for him. That's all he needs us for.

After the meal I just go to my hideout and start thinking again. What was I going to do now? Talk with her again? Find out why she left us? Why she came back? Does she realize how much pain she caused to Blue, Green and I leaving us alone with Red?! I let out a loud "UGHH!!!" and lie down on the floor, and continue thinking. I've been like that for a bit and then I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up it was pitch black. I turned on the light and looked at the clock. 2:34 AM. Great. I was going to get back to bed, but then I get a crazy idea. Should I go see if Purple is out? I mean, she's shy and scared, so obviously she would come out at night, when nobody's aroud. Right? I decide not to think much about it. I grab a flashlight and leave my hideout quietly.

As I walked in the darkness I heard a strange noise, that made me jump a little. I look around and see big eyes looking at me thru the vent.

Orange: *sight* Damn it, you scared me.

Purple: Sorry... I was just trying to get your attencion.

Orange: You could've whispered or something.

Purple: S- sorry...

I can sence, that she's getting nervous so I just sit on the floor, opposite to the vent.

Orange: I think we both know what we're going to talk about?

Purple: Yes...

Orange: Purple... why did you abandon us? What did we do wrong? Why did you lea-

I get cut off by a purple hand grabbing me by my shirt and pulling  me low, towards the floor.


After that she lets go of me and I quickly lift myself up. I tried to stay calm, but I start gettin' angry.

Orange: Don't act like that! YOU DID LEAVE US WITH THAT RED ASSHOLE!!!

Purple: NO I DID NOT!!! At least I didn't want to!!!


Purple: Do you really belive the "Red asshole" over me?...

I wanted to say something but... I thought for a moment. She was kinda right. Red's always been a jerk to us, so why did I belive him. As I just sit silently, she starts talking again:

Purple: I see you don't remember much. I don't blame you, it was 5 years ago.... So let me just start from the begining..... Long ago, when Red first made Green, Blue and I, he... He wasn't such an asshole. He actually cared about us, taught us and loved us, if I may say so myself. But then he made you and the moment you hatched (I imagine Orange hatched out of an egg, just like real lizards do :3) he just stopped caring. The only thing on his mind was some stupid project, that didn't even work out. Blue was to young to understand and Green was blind, so I took care of you, because... you were just so alone.... without anyone to look after you. As time passed I also started looking out for Blue and Green and for some reason, Red though it was ok. That that's how it's supposed to look like. As I grew older, I wanted to have some more time for myself, but whenever I looked away for 2 seconds, you and Blue were already getting in trouble. I don't blame you, you were kids, but the thing is, that when you guys did something wrong I was responsible for it. Red was o- often very... *sob* a- agressive towards m- me. He would often a- *sob* abuse me! Both mentally and phisically. And o- one time I- *sob* I stood up for myself. He locked me in the- *sob* vent and never let out again!! NEVER! I WAS STUCK IN HERE FOR GODDAMN 5 YEARS!!! 5 YEARS!!! *starts sobbing histerically*

After hearing that, I feel tears falling down my cheek.

Wooo!!! Another part done!! Yaaay!! I love writing this kind of stuff! I hope you enjoyed :3
This chapter was 963 words
Stay safe friends and I will see you in the next chapter!  :)

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