More pieces to the puzzle

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I've been wanting to write this for ages now!! Enjoyy ^^

- Orange's POV -

I looked around. I couldn't see much, due to the darkness in the room, but I could tell that there were two other people in the room. I decided to respond to the question.

Orange: Y- Yeah.

Then suddenly the light got turned on. Not the candle, they had a light switch. I saw two dino like creatures. One of them was like... blue, but not blue... And the other one was yellow.
The first one spoke again.

???: I'm glad you decided to join us Orange.

Orange: How do you know my name?

???: Red's creations go by their color, right?

Orange: You know Red?

Cyan: Duuh I do. Name's Cyan. Than one over there *points at the yellow one with tail* That's Yellow.

Orange: Nice to meet you.

And they I pulled out my hand for a hand shake. After a second I realized, that Cyan doesn't have arms. That didn't seem like a problem to her, as she grabbed my hand with the tip of her long tail and shook it.

Orange: Ok... uh... When were you guys created? 'Cause like... Red never mentioned you.

Cyan: Of course he didn't... Come. Let's sit down and calmly explain everything.

I nodded. Cyan brought out two old chairs and a bean bag. Yellow emediantly flopped on it. Me and Cyan sat down on the chairs.

Orange: So? What are your stories?

Cyan: You sure you wanna hear 'em? It ain't a story with a happy ending.

Orange: Come on. It can't be that bad.

Cyan: Well.... It all started years ago. By that time Red "mastered" making Rainbow friends. So he decided to try something new. He mixed up the "Rainbow substance" with animal genetics and voilá! I was created. However, Red thought that I wasn't good enough, that I looked like a freak. So he threw me out. And I found this place and lived here ever since, spying on you guys every now and then. The end.

I was processing her words. Everything started making sence. That's why I was the youngest! Because Red made dinos before me and he actually took the time to make me.

Orange: What about you Yellow?

As I asked that question, Yellow jumped a little bit. He started gently shaking. He looked over at Cyan.

Cyan: Fine! I'll say it for you. So... You and Yellow were created kinda at the same time. And... Red decided to speed up your development process, while you guys were still in your eggs. And you came out ok, but Yellow had a disability. He couldn't fly. Red spend the next few years in his lab, trying to fix that. But he failed and threw Yellow out and now he lives here with me. The end.

I thought for a moment. So that was Red's failed project, wich caused him to become an asshole. Everything was starting to make sence.

Orange: Do you know the rest of the story?

Cyan: Yup. I was spying on you guys not so long ago and I remember Red was telling it to some pink girl or whatever.

Cyan then got up. She pushed her chair away and headed towards the door.

Cyan: How about I give you two some alone time?

I was very confused now.

Orange: Alone time? Why would we need alone time?

Cyan: Don't you wanna talk with your brother?

I froze. Did she...? Was Yellow...?

Cyan: Ohhh.... You don't know about it.... Well Yellow here is your brother. Your twin brother to be specific.

I looked at Yellow. He seemed terrified. I felt happiness rise in me.

Orange: I have a brother! I have a brother!

I started giggling and bouncing around like a little kid. I was so happy! But then I realized something.

Orange: Are we brothers though...? Because Pink and Blue were made out of the same model and they're not related.

Cyan: Exactly. The same model, not substance. It's like with drawing. Pink and Blue are two different drawings Red used the same reference for. You and Yellow are literally one drawing teared in half.

I sighed in relief. Cyan walked up to the door again.

Cyan: So, Imma leave you guys to it. I'll be in the next room if ya need me.

And then she left.

- Yellow's POV -

I felt myself shake. Curse Cyan for leaving me alone with him! I had no idea what to do. I was happy to meet him, of course, but not sitting alone with him in one room!

I decided to stand up. I was going to take a step forward, but I slipped on something, as usually. As I was falling I notised that Orange was trying to grab my hand. I felt pain as I hit the ground. I saw blood flowing slowly from my hand. And then I passed out.

I woke up at Cyan's room. She was fanning me with an old newspaper. I looked at my hand. It had some bandage on it.

Yellow: W-what happened?

Cyan: Well... As you were falling, Orange was trying to catch you, but he accidentally scratched you. But you're good now.

I sighed.

Yellow: I- I don't w- wanna go back there. I'm- I- I'm-

Cyan placed her tail on my shoulder.

Cyan: Yellow. I know, that you're scared, but believe me, Orange was even more terrified than you. He did it by accident. I'm telling you, he didn't mean to hurt you.


Cyan: I know it's a lot for you, but please, go and talk to him.

Yellow:..... O- Ok...

I got up and walked out of her room, heading towards my own. I opened the door and saw something unbelievable...


SJSJEJJJHHEHE!!! LET'S GOOO!! I'm having so much fuuuun!! I'm so ready to write the next part!!!
This chapter was 985 words
Stay safe friends and I will see you in the next chapter :)

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