A hard phone call

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Another part!! Enjoy!!

- Cyan's POV -

I woke up and yawned. It was morning. I was suprised that Yellow didn't come to me saying that he doesn't wanna spend time with Orange. He seemed quite scared last night. I decided to check on him, just in case.

I walked up to Yellow's room and peeked through the door. I saw the most adorable view. Yellow was sleeping, his head resting on Orange's lap, while the orange dino pet the other's head. I couldn't help but smile.

Cyan: Aren't you two cute?

Orange jumped slightly as he heard my voice. He sighed when he saw me at the door.

Orange: Don't scare me like that.

Cyan: Sorry. *sits on the side of the bed* So, how do you like your new brother?

Orange: Honestly, I couldn't have wished for someone better.

Cyan: I knew you guys would get along.

Orange: It's just something- like you know... He gets me on a level noone else ever did. I always wanted to have a sibling, y'know?

Cyan: As far as I know you have that little friend of yours, Purple, right?

Orange: Eh... It's more of a "had" than "have"...

Cyan: What do you mean?

Orange: Well... I'm not gonna tell you the whole story, 'cause it's hella long, but basically, me and Purple got into an argument. I hit her and said that I hate her.

Cyan: So? Friends argue all the time.

Orange: I know, but it's a different thing. You see, when Red made me, he started focusing on healing Yellow, wich meant that he didn't care shit about me. Green was blind, Blue was a kid and he didn't understand such things yet. And then here was Purple. She willingly decided to "adopt" me. She took care of me, taught me everything I know. She was basically a mom for all of us at some point. When Red failed to fix Yellow, he started drinking... a lot. He would abuse Purple, both phisically and metally, but she always pretended like it was ok. Untill one day Red locked her in the vents for 5 years. Red had a problem with alcohol for the next 2 years, Blue and Green had their own thing, so I was basically alone. I met her in the vents like 2 months ago and helped her out. I was so happy to have her back. But now... she hates me.

Cyan: I didn't know it goes so deep.

Orange: It does-

Orange was gonna say something, but he was interrupted by a buzzing sound. It came from his phone. He picked up the device and declined the call.

Cyan: Why won't you anwser?

Orange: Why would I? First they kick me out and now they're blowing up my phone. What's up with that?

Cyan: It means they're worried about you.

Orange: No, they're not.

Cyan: Whatever you wanna believe. I still know that they're worried.

And then Yellow woke up. Orange abandoned the topic, so I didn't bother him about it... for now.

- Time skip -

- Orange's POV -

Time passed very quickly with Yellow and Cyan. We ended up talking a lot. But the whole time I kept thinking about what Cyan said. Maybe the guys did care? But then again, if they cared, why did they throw me out? I didn't know what to do.

I was alone at that moment, Yellow and Cyan went somewhere. I was thinking, when suddenly my phone rang again. Red was calling. At first I wanted to decline the call, or ignore it, but then I thought of something. Maybe I should pick up? I didn't even notise when I clicked the green icon and put the phone to my ear.

- Phone call -

Orange: Hello?

Red: Orange?! Oh my God, are you ok?!

Orange: ...yeah

Red: Thank goodness. Where are you? We're all worried about you!

Orange: I'm... somewhere...

Red: Right... But I'm so happy that you finally anwsered! I was so worried!

Orange: B- But you guys kicked me out...!

Red: The whole thing wasn't meant to happen. Yes, I admit I said that I wanted to kick you out, but I swear, it was a long time ago and it was pure sarcasam, but Blue always has to use my words against me...

Orange: ...

Red: Look, I know it might be hard for you, but please consider coming back, ok?

Orange: I'll think about it.

Red: Thank you so much!

Orange: I gotta go now... B- Bye!

Red: Bye!

- End of phone call -

- Orange's POV -

I kept thinking about Red's words. I wanted to come back, of course, but at the same time, I already got attached to Yellow and Cyan. I didn't wanna just leave them behind. And then I got an idea.

- Phone call -

Orange: Hello?

Red: Orange?

Orange: Hey Red... I thought about what you said...

Red: And?

Orange: I'll come back, on one condition...


DHDHDHD!!!! Yeeeeeee!!! Another part done!!! Sorry or the long wait, but since school started I didn't have time to do anything else than studying and I kinda forgot about this story :_)
This chapter was 859 words
Stay safe friends and I will see you in the next chapter :)

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