A little became a lot

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This is gonna be ~angsty~ Enjoy :3

- Purple's POV -

I sat with Orange in his cave. He was telling me a fucked up story, with Pink being the main character.

Orange: And then she was like, "Wanna steal my virginity?"

Purple: What the fuck?!

Orange: I know right! She's such a fucked up bitch!!

Purple: But... did anything happen?

Orange winced in disgust as he heard me say that.

Orange: No! Are you crazy? I don't fuck some random bitches!

Purple: Calm down. I was just asking.

Orange groaned as he rested his head against my shoulder. He was silent. I giggled slightly and gave him a pat on the head.

Purple: You good bud?

Orange: *sarcastically* Never been better.

I giggled a little bit. I heard him groan again.

Orange: Why are you laughing?

Purple: I'm not.

Orange: Yes you are! Why?! What do you think?! That it's fun?!

I notised he was getting upset and annoyed a little bit.

Purple: No. I don't.

Orange: Well I think you do!

He pushed himself away from me.

Purple: Orange?

Orange turned away from me with a "Hmpt!" sound. That made me a little annoyed.

Purple: Can you stop acting like a child for once?!

Orange: What?!

Purple: Act mature for once! I wasn't laughing at you, can't you tell?! Or maybe you didn't see? It's quite possible with the size of your ego!!

Orange turned around towards me. He seemed pretty angry.

Orange: Fuck off, would ya?! I invited you over so I could talk to you and you're laughing at me!! What is that supposed to be?!

Purple: I wasn't laughing at your *dramatic mocking* Tragic story!!

Orange: Well it really seemed like it!!

Purple: *scoffs* Not my fault that you fuck random bitches, that you barely know!

Orange: I DIDN'T FUCK HER!!!

Purple: Of course you didn't!! Because you were raised properly!!

Orange: Are you trying to imply that you raised me properly?!

Purple: I raised you the best I could!!

Orange: While you were just a kid yourself!!

Purple: While our "father" didn't care about anyone of us!!

Orange: And still he cares about me more than you do!!

Purple: That's not true!!

Orange: Yes it is!!

Purple: NO IT'S NOT!!

Orange: YES IT IS!!!

I was going to replie something when suddenly, I felt something harshly hit my face. I howled in pain as I got pushed back a little bit. After a few seconds I figured out what happened. It was Orange. He punched me.


His words echoed through my ears. I felt something inside me break. Tears started filling my eyes, as I picked myself up. I was shaking a little bit, my face was in pain. I turned around and left silently.

I went to one of the many empty rooms we have around here. I sat down on the floor and cried for what seemed like hours. Suddenly, I heard someone approaching the door. I was praying for them to go away, but it obviously didn't work. As the door was about to open I quickly hid my face in my hands.

Red: This room will be per- Purple? What are you doing here?

Purple: *mumbling* Nothing.

I heard Red walk up to me. He kneeled down to me.

Red: Purple? What's going on?

He spoke in a soft voice, wich was quite unusual for him. But it was convincing enough for me to lift my head up. Red gasped.

Red: Purple what happened to you? You have a huge bruise on your face!

I gently touched the hurting part of my face. I winced in pain.

Red: Purple what happened?

I sighed. He wasn't going to leave me alone, wasn't he?

Purple: I- It's about Orange... W- We got in to a little a- argument...

Red: Did he hurt you?

Red seemed to be a little bit suprised, but he still used a soft voice. It was very helpfull.

Purple: Yeah...

Red: Ok... We're gonna figure this out alright? But first I'm gonna bring some ice for you.

I nodded. Red was right. I couldn't sit here forever. Suddenly, I felt someone hug me. It was Red. Red was hugging me? How?

Red: It's going to be ok. I promice.

I automatically retured the hug, leaning on him a little bit. My eyes got teary again. I couldn't believe it. I was crying in Red's shoulder. As unbelievable as it seemed, it felt really comforting.

|Time skip|

Blue: He did that to you?!!?

I was sitting on the sofa, ice pack in hand, surrounded by the others. They were asking about everything that happened.

Purple: Yeah... He did.

Blue: Son of a bitch!

Green: Yeah, how dare he?!

Pink: Such a woman abuser!! And I was trying to date him!? I'm glad he beat up you, not me!!

Meanwhile Red said he's gonna go get Orange, to sort this out.

- Orange's POV -

After Purple left my room I realized what I said. I realized what I did. I slapped myself. Dear God! Why?! Why did I do that?! What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I sat down on the floor, thinking. I had to go and apologize, but... was she even going to listen to me. She did so much for me, she cared about me like nobody else ever did! And I do what? I tell her I hate her! Fuck! Why am I so stupid!

Suddenly, I heard the door opening. The person who entered was Red. He had an upset expression.

Red: Orange come to the living room. We have to talk.

Oh shit! He knows...


DHSHSHSBWH!!! I'm so happy!!! And yes, I'm leaving you like this >:3
This chapter had 995 words
Stay safe friends and I will see you in the next chapter :)

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