Headcanons pt. 2

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As you guys probably know, the next chapter will introduce Cyan and Yellow. Just so you're aware, I'm not putting all of the info about them here, as I want some things to remain a suprise ^^
(I still cannot draw :_] )


Female, She/Her, bisexualHandless gurl

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Female, She/Her, bisexual
Handless gurl. She's pretty tough and strong. She has a warrior's spirit. She doesn't trust people easily. It's unusual for her to show bigger emotions, she's usually emotionless. She can be very sweet and caring, if she wants to. She wants to become a nurse. She's friends with everybody (after she gets to know them), Yellow being her favourite friend, even if she doesn't show it.


Male, He/Him, bisexualFlying boi

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Male, He/Him, bisexual
Flying boi. He's very shy. He also has anxiety, wich often leads to him having panick and anxiety attacks. Once he gets to know a person, he opens up to them. He can't fly using his wings, it's a disability of his. Because of that Red (later in the story) made him the flying helicopter device. He's generally friends with everybody. Besties with Cyan. He also has some feelings for her, but doesn't know how to deal with them.

Yellow wearing his flying device

DHSHSHH!!!! I can't wait to write with these two!!! >_<Anyway, that all for now

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DHSHSHH!!!! I can't wait to write with these two!!! >_<
Anyway, that all for now. See you guys later! Byeee!!!

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