Bonding through breakfast

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Another chapter. Enjoy!

- Orange's POV -

A big amount of pain wakes me up in the morning. I rub my nose. Oww.
I look at the time. 11:08 AM. Great.

I was going to go back to sleep, when I notice an interesting smell in the air. A sweet smell. I get out of my hideout and follow the sent. It leads to the kitchen. What could it be? Did Red finally decide to use a cook book? As I enter the kitchen I see Purple, who was probably making breakfast.

Orange: Hey Purps!

Purple:*turns around* Oh! Good morning Orange. How did you sleep?

Orange: Not that well, considering that my nose hurts ass, because of that blue bitch. But thanks for asking.

Suddenly we hear a loud groan. We turn around to see Blue.

Orange: Morning fatass!

Blue: Fuck off, I'm not in the mood. I didn't sleep at all last night and it's all your fault!

Orange: What do you mean?

Blue: *points at cut on left cheek* Did you already forget about this?

Orange: How could I? My nose hurts like hell because of you, but I ain't complaining!

- Blue's POV -

I was going to say something, but I hear Purple speak:

Purple: Calm down boys! How about I get a first aid kit and we fix you two up?

Orange: That's fine with me.

Blue: Yeah, it's a good idea, I guess.

Purple: Good. Just please, stop messing with eachother for a sec. I don't want you two fighting anymore ok?

Blue: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Then she left. I look at Orange.

Blue: Why didn't you tell us sooner?

Orange: Tell you what?

Blue: You know, helping Purple and all that.

Orange: She didn't want me to tell you. She was scared Red would lock her up again. Last night, it all happened accidentally. But I'm quite glad we already have it behind us.

Blue: But why did you care so much? Like, you could've just told me and nothing would happen.

Orange: I cared, because she's an important person to me. Just like Green's important for you, she's important for me.

And then Purple comes back. She picks up Orange and sat him down on the counter. She gave him a bag with some ice in it.

Purple: Put it on your nose for a bit. It should make you feel better.

Then she turns to me. Purple gently examines my cheek. She wipes it with a white cloth and puts a bandaid on it.

Purple: There you go! It shouldn't hurt that much anymore.

Blue: Thanks.

Green: You're a good doctor Purple

We turn around and see Green leaning against the wall. We start talking more.

- Red's POV -

I wake up. I look at the time. 11:47 AM. I'm so late! I quickly get up and put on my robe. As I rush to the kitchen, I hear laughing and talking. I enter the room and see the guys, hanging out. They all greet me with a "Good morning". Purple walks up to me holding a mug.

Purple: I made you coffee.

Red: Aww, thanks Purple.

Then we just talk for a bit, mainly about the weather and how none of us had a good sleep.

- Orange's POV -

After we're done talking, we hear Puple speak:

Purple: Ok guys, how about we have breakfast?

Everyone anwsers with a "Yeah". We all sit at the table. Suddenly Purple brings a huge plate full of waffles.

Purple: I didn't know what you guys usually eat for breakfast, so I made waffles.

Blue: That's totally fine with me.

Purple: Just don't expect them to be super spectacular. I haven't cooked in years, so I might have mixed up the recipe.

Orange: *picks up waffle* Looks fine to me. Time to eat 'em!

As I take a bite, I feel a long forgotten flavor enter my mouth. The sweet taste of pastry causes me to sink in my chair.

Orange: Damn...

Purple:...How is it?....

Orange: It's perfect! Just like when we were kids!

Then everyone starts to eat and praise Purple's cooking abilities, meanwhile I enjoy the delightful taste of my waffle.

Blue: You're right Orange, it tastes the same!!

Green: Fine dining.

Red: Yeah, they're great!

Purple: Aww, stop it guys. I don't even think I made them properly.

Orange: Belive me Purple, ANYTHING is better than Red's burnt cereal.

Suddenly Purple starts choking on her food:

Purple: *laughing* How did you manage to burn cereal?!

Red: I literally don't know!

All of us start laughing and talking about some old memories. We ended up having quite a good time together. Who would've thought, that barely two days ago, I thought that wasn't possible.

FINALLY!!! Sorry this took so long, but I didn't have motivation and ideas for this. I promice the next chapter will be out sooner :)
This chapter was 820 words.
Stay safe friends and I will see you in the next chapter! :)

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