Sodo x Aether x Mountain - First time high

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Not in the mood to right smut rn


Sodo was sprawled out on the floor of his room, his body star fished as he stared up at his ceiling with blown pupils. He had no idea how long he was here for. He couldn't feel his body... or could he? Couldn't tell anymore. Mountain told him not to eat those gummies he found, but he couldn't help. He wondered how upset Mountain would be when he would find a brand-new bottle of those magical gummies gone. 

His thoughts kept wondering, his eyes blinking slow, and his eyelids drooped lower with every blink. 

"Sodo?" He heard the ghoul chuckle. Sodo let his head fall to the side, heavy eyes resting on Aether. 

"Hey buddy!" Sodo laughed out obnoxiously, making Aether furrow his eyebrows in confusion. 

"Are you okay?" Aether asked, seeing Sodo's limp body sprawled out on the floor. 

"I feel like... like a... I don't know. I feel goooooooooood man!" He slurred with a lazy grin. 

"What the hell did you take?" Aether asked, grabbing Sodo's arms, sitting him up before slinging the fire ghoul over his shoulder. Aether sighed, grabbing the empty bottle of Mountain's gummies before leaving the room. 

"Where 're we goin'?" Sodo mumbled, his horn rubbing against Aether back. Aether didn't respond as he opened the door to Mountain's room. 

"He got your gummies." Aether sighed, tossing Mountain the bottle who was looking up at them over his glasses. Mountain raised an eyebrow as Aether tossed Sodo onto the bed, the fire ghoul giggling like a toddler. 

"Do that again!" He slurred with a giggle, his eyes no longer staying open. Aether sent Mountain a shrug before leaving the room. 

"Oh, firefly, what am I going to do with you?" Mountain sighed, taking Sodo into his arms and planting a kiss on his nose. Sodo purred with happy sigh, too high to care about life at that point. 

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