In Which Dazai And Chuuya Are Set Up

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Chuuya Nakahara loves poetry. He could talk about the beauty of poetry, all of the different types and how meaningful poetry is, for hours. He has shelves of poetry, biographies of his favorite poets, and even passages scattered on his walls at home. In Chuuya's perfect world, he might have been a poet. Chuuya Nakahara's poetry would be studied around the globe, and students of literature would pick apart his pieces and analyze them. Chuuya wondered if they would feel the pain etched into every word he wrote.

The night Dazai left, Chuuya broke into his expensive wine collection and spent the night burying himself in poetry. Chuuya thought of himself as a realist, someone who was in touch with reality rather than dreams of another life. Dazai was gone and he could not change that. However, Dazai was a fatalist- he believed in fate; sometimes. When Odasaku died, Chuuya was on another assignment. Mori had planned it, of course. Dazai might have taken Chuuya with him, and Mori would lose both of his most important chess pieces.

While Chuuya had come to terms with being a piece of Mori's chess board, Dazai had been plotting against Mori. Mori had more infulence over Dazai than Dazai cared to admit. Chuuya understood poetry better than actual speech because he could read between the lines fairly well. Dazai and Mori, who spoke mostly through subtleties, made sense to him. While Chuuya might not comprehend the strategies themselves, he did understand the two people behind them. That is why he trusted them both.

Dazai had left the Mafia because of Odasaku. Dazai promised that he would be better, be on the side of good. Perhaps fate had planned for Dazai and Odasaku, on Odasaku rescuing Dazai from himself. He believed that Odasaku did not die for nothing, and he was determined that he would be the reason, that his redemption would make Odasaku's life (and death) worthwhile. Chuuya rushed back, and had almost chased after Dazai- if only the bastard had not blown up his vehicle. Chuuya was enraged.

"Screw you, Mori," Chuuya snarled, lifting on Mori's leather collar with both of his hands firmly curled around it. "You let Oda die? You bastard! You knew that would hurt Dazai. I may be fine with being your pawn, but Dazai is not like me. He is human, with feelings. Dazai cared about Oda, and he needed me! How could you-"

Mori withdrew the Gifted permit from his pocket and held it up. Chuuya glared at it.

"For a fucking Gifted permit? Boss, I put up with your shit more than anyone else. We could have gotten it another way! I would have done it for you."

"Believe me," Mori replied, eerily calm. "This was the only way." Chuuya huffed. "Now, please release me, Executive Nakahara." When Mori used that tone, Chuuya knew the conversation was over. His fingers opened gladly, the feeling of leather disappearing from his fingertips.

"One of these days, your schemes and strategizing is gonna bite you both in ass." With that, Chuuya left Mori's office.

Osamu Dazai had left the Port Mafia without Chuuya. Not because he did not love Chuuya- he did, really did. But Dazai had given Chuuya a home. After the Sheep turned on their leader, Chuuya swore loyalty and joined the Mafia. Tachihara, Kouyou, Hitrosu, Higuchi, Gin, Akutagawa, Mori- they had become Chuuya's home, his family. Dazai had taken the Sheep from Chuuya and brought him into this chatoic mess, so he could not give him another ultimatum: Dazai, or the Mafia. Dazai had thought of life as chess, and if your strategy was good enough, you could always out maneuver your opponents and advance into checkmate. What Dazai had not accounted for was his growing fondness for his partner, the way their partnership translated into other parts of their lives. Dazai, the king of his own chessboard, had fallen in love with the knight. Eventually, sacrifices would have to be made on both sides. Would Chuuya end up as collateral damage?

Dazai wished that Chuuya could be with Dazai and be happy with his newfound family. Dazai knew that could never be. When joined the Agency, forgetting about Chuuya was the only thing Dazai could do for him; so, that is exactly what Dazai did. Apparently, Chuuya had too. Dazai had thought that Chuuya would have gone with him if he asked, but he had completely forgotten about them. Had Dazai underestimated his hold on Chuuya? Dazai had so many questions left unanswered, blanks left unfilled. The day after their deal was made, Dazai came into the Agency office and was greeted almost immediately by Ranpo.

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