In Which Dazai's Prayers Are Answered

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(A/N: Yay I finally posted)

Chuuya heavily stressed separation between his personal life and his life at his job. During the painful weeks following Dazai's disappearance from the Port Mafia, Chuuya wondered where he had gone wrong. The only answer he could muster was that the intersection of personal feelings with Mafia assignments had doomed them from the beginning. Chuuya vowed he would never do that again.

Ranpo and Tachihara appearing on his doorstep as Chuuya was arriving home with Fyodor was an absolute violation of his privacy.Chuuya nearly screamed seeing them. Tachihara smiled and greeted Fyodor.

"You must be Fyodor," Tachihara said, extending his hand toward Fyodor. "Chuuya told us so much about you! Feels like I already know you."

Chuuya gave Tachihara the death glare while Ranpo simply observed Fyodor, scrutinizing him. Chuuya became extremely nervous.

"I am," Fyodor replied, taking Tachihara's hand. "I am Chuuya's boyfriend- it is a pleasure."

Ranpo felt his jaw drop. He leaned toward Chuuya, whispering, "We should talk."

Tachihara kept making idle talk, stalling Fyodor from overhearing Ranpo and Chuuya.

Ranpo was not usually serious, but the situation required it.

"Be careful with him," Ranpo whispered, urgent. "Dazai disappeared two months ago, and none of the Agency members can find him. I suspect your new boyfriend might have something to do with it. Have you seen Dazai?"

Chuuya felt his eyes widen and jaw drop. Dazai was gone? Did that really change anything? Chuuya had seen Dazai with the Agency- he was happier. Would Dazai just leave them? Honestly, for Chuuya, this news changed nothing.

"No," Chuuya replied defensively. "And Fyodor would never-"

"When did Fyodor arrive in Yokohama?" Ranpo questioned, eyebrows raised.

"Two months ago," Chuuya whispered, realization coloring his face.

"That is not mere coincidence, Chuuya," Ranpo said. "Dazai-"

"Fyodor would never," Chuuya cut him off. "I will help you find wherever that bastard went, and when I do, I am gonna kill him."

Fyodor appeared behind him.

"Your friends seem very pleasant," Fyodor whispered in Chuuya's ear.

Tachihara whispered something in Ranpo's ear. Chuuya was so distracted by the sweet nothings Fyodor was whispering that he did not even notice. Ranpo gave Chuuya an alarming glance before waving goodbye and walking away, Tachihara not too far behind. Fyodor waved back cheerily.

"Now, Chuuya," Fyodor whispered. "Did we not have other plans for our evening?"

Fyodor grinned, and Chuuya shuttered. Fyodor desired intimacy, burning their souls into one another. Chuuya had no experience with this type of stuff. Subconsciously, Chuuya admitted that he had been waiting for Dazai; some part of him still was- as long as Chuuya did not kill Dazai first.

Chuuya was determined that he would have this moment, this night, with Fyodor. So, when Fyodor and Chuuya headed upstairs, he smiled and nodded.

The next day, Chuuya felt horrible. He had completely failed. Fyodor and him never came close- instead they cuddled the whole night and talked more. Fyodor did not push anything, or even ask twice- he was surprisingly respectful of Chuuya's choice. Chuuya was extremely grateful.

Chuuya left early, kissing Fyodor goodbye- hopefully the first of many. Chuuya grabbed Akutagawa from Mafia headquarters and drove toward the Agency. Chuuya demanded that he see Ranpo and that he and Akutagawa join the search for his former partner. Chuuya argued that they knew his longer. "The only lead we have is Fyodor," Ranpo supplied, lollipop in his hand. Chuuya became irritated. "Fyodor loves me, so quit demonizing him. It is ridiculous. Is that all you people know how to do? Blame others? Maybe you should take some accountability- Mori warned us about-" Ranpo was amused. Chuuya growled. Suddenly, he noticed Akutagawa and Atsushi whispering. They resembled Chuuya and Dazai so much that it made Chuuya wanna sob and vomit at the same time.

Akutagawa cared about Dazai too, so having him tag along seemed like a good idea.

"Atsushi agreed that he would help us," Akutagawa reported. "As long as that detective joins us, we should have everything we need."

"If you do not agree with me," Ranpo continued. "Ask him about Dazai, see his reaction. Then you can decide what you think is true."

When Chuuya arrived him that night, Fyodor was there still. It was odd- did Fyodor not have a job? Chuuya supposed that it must have been his day off. Chuuya was hesitantly approaching Fyodor, who immediately swept him off of his feet and kissed him. Chuuya cupped Fyodor's face gently with his palms. It calmed Chuuya and made him even more sure that Fyodor was not responsible.

Hours later, lying in bed together, Chuuya was being spooned. Since Chuuya was smaller, it was Fyodor enveloping him- Chuuya did not mind in the least. Suddenly, Chuuya remembered what Ranpo had told him.

"Hey, Fyodor?" Chuuya whispered, snuggling further into him.

"Yes," Fyodor hummed, burying his face in Chuuya's bright auburn hair.

"Do you know someone named Osamu Dazai?" Chuuya asked. "He disappeared two months ago and my friends thought that you may have something to do with it. Ridiculous, right?"

The hesitant silence was enough that Chuuya could not simply dismiss it, and he felt his heart sink. Has he been betrayed again?

(A/n: I finally have a schedule, I'm posting a chapter of this book every Sunday. 858 Words)

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