In Which Chuuya Finds Another Purpose

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Chuuya left before Dazai woke up, leaving behind a note. Fyodor and Dazai were both after the same man- in what universe would this ever need well?

Kouyou found Chuuya in his office an hour later.

"Chuuya," Kouyou said. "Are you alright?"

"I will be," Chuuya replied, not looking up from his paperwork. Whenever Chuuya was stressed, finding something and focusing on it helped.

Kouyou seemed worried. She observed Chuuya for a few moments before saying, "The boss requires your presence in his office. Make haste- he seems in a foul mood this morning."

Chuuya rose from his desk and left. When he entered Mori's office, something felt off. Chuuya could not place what it was exactly, but something felt weird.

"Kouyou told me you needed me," Chuuya said.

"Yes," Mori replied, clearing his throat.

Just then, Chuuya realized that Elise was there. Elise was always with Mori, because of their bond through his Gift. Elise would not just disappear- if Chuuya is honest, he does not even know if Mori could make Elise disappear even if he tried.

"Where is Mei?" Chuuya asked. He purposely used the wrong name, hoping it would yield some result.

"Mei?" Mori replied. "Who is Mei?"

"The sweet little blonde girl you always have with you," Chuuya supplied.

"Oh yes!" Mori exclaimed. "Mei is busy at the moment, in the other room. She will be back soon. Is there anything I should tell her for you?"

Terror. Who is this person? It is not Mori. Mori would have known Chuuya was talking about Elise, and would have corrected him. The boss never passed up the chance of being right about something. Chuuya shuttered. Moments passed, and Fyodor walked into the room.

"Forget it, Nikolai," Fyodor said. "He knows that you are not that Mafia boss."

"Aw," Nikolai cried, figure shifting back into the original. "That is so disappointing!" He paused, standing directly in front of Chuuya. "How did you figure it out?"

"The girl," Chuuya hissed, stepping backward. "Her name is Elise, and Mori never leaves her side."

Fyodor simply smiled. Chuuya was attractive because of his perfect mixture of physical prowess, effortless cleverness, and raw resourcefulness.

"What are you doing here?" Chuuya demanded, glaring daggers at Fyodor. "Where is the boss?"

"That will be revealed in good time," Fyodor replied, smirking. "Until then, sit. I have a proposal for you."

Chuuya was cornered. Rage built up beneath the surface of his skin. Chuuya could tear their heads of bit by bit, slowly and painfully. He was stretched his fingers, preparing for an offensive move.

"If you do not," Fyodor continued, "the Port Mafia is doomed, your loved ones dead, and not even your beloved Dazai will not escape the wrath of the Decay of Angels."

Chuuya was stunned.

"So you did lie."

"Excuse me?" Fyodor whispered, offence written on his face.

"You told me once that you loved me," Chuuya said, "that was a lie." He felt anger and grief boiling. "You said you never lied. That was also a lie."

It felt as if Chuuya was grieving for relationships he never had, people that were never his.

"I have not lied," Fyodor countered. "I am doing this for the Gifted. If we get rid of the Gifts, you and Arahabaki are no longer bound. You will be free, Chuuya. Like you told me."

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