In Which Chuuya Uses Corruption

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(A/n: Sorry I forgot about this story 😭 I was so distracted bc I was reading on Quotev instead of wattpad)

 Dazai secretly loved when Chuuya used Corruption. It made everything about Chuuya become something more, something godlike. Dazai admired the raw power.

This assignment was no exception.

Chuuya and Dazai fell back into their rhythm. It had always been like this- Dazai watching Chuuya eliminate anything in their path until Dazai touched him. This time, Dazai let it go on for too long.

Chuuya had dried blood on face, almost like another coat of skin. Dazai thought this part of Chuuya was beautiful- the part that Chuuya hid, the part of him that made him like a tangible god. Dazai smiled. Perhaps Dazai was risking Chuuya's life like this, but it was fine.

The Guild vessel was easily sunk, its members scattered throughout the waters of bay below. It had been Chuuya's Gift that made it such quick work. Dazai sprinted toward Chuuya- time for No Longer Human. Dazai nearly touched Chuuya when he sprung out of his reach. Dazai hissed.

Was Arahabaki resisting Dazai?

That had never happened before. For a few moments, Dazai was disoriented. Then, he continued racing toward Chuuya, hand outstretched. He would summon Chuuya back, if only so he could hold it over his head later.

"Arahabaki, you bastard," Dazai muttered, leaping backwards as Arahabaki went on the offensive.

An almost cackle escaped Chuuya, and Dazai could immediately recognize that it was not Chuuya.

"Alright," Dazai said, grinning, "I guess we will just do this the long way then."

Over the next ten minutes, the match shifted and changed direction. Only Chuuya could give Dazai such an engaging fight. Eventually, Dazai saw that Chuuya was about too faint of exhaustion and blood loss. At this rate, Chuuya could die soon.

This renewed Dazai's determination. Dazai gotten within reach and curled his hands around Chuuya's Chuuya's cheek and waist. Chuuya immediately fainted and fell into Dazai's shoulder, limp. Dazai merely caressed Chuuya's curly hair.

"You did well, Chuuya," Dazai whispered, holding him tighter.

Of course, Chuuya could not have heard him.

Three hours later, Chuuya woke up in an ambulance. One of the Port Mafia's, dispatched from the hospital that Mori had once been employed by and now used as one of the Port Mafia's security checkpoints. Dazai chatted quietly with Mori, who had been the one caring for Chuuya. Chuuy was pleasantly surprised that the boss and Dazai could talk so civilly. Chuuya just stared, perplexed.

Kouyou was seated beside Chuuya, gently caressing his arm the way a mother might soothe her young child. From anyone else, Chuuya would have felt infantilized; from Kouyou, it felt natural and comforting. Chuuya sighed, feeling himself becoming more comfort in her presence. Kouyou was the first who noticed his consciousness return.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions," Kouyou whispered in Chuuya's ear, inconspicuously as possible given the confided space. "I am glad you are okay."

Chuuya simply nodded gratefully. Kouyou had always looked out for him; she warned Chuuya about Dazai since before they even became partners.

"Be careful around him," Kouyou warned, "he is Mori's boy, and he has many faces."

Despite Kouyou's warning, Chuuya had fallen in love anyway. No matter how much Chuuya understood the motives and the nature of why Dazai left, he could never escape the betrayal and pain he felt. Kouyou had been right, and Chuuya had blatantly ignored her. When Chuuya cried or yelled, Kouyou had dried his tears and simply listened. He vowed that he would never let anyone hurt him again, and that he would never make Kouyou dry anymore of his tears. Chuuya was determined that he would win this bet against Dazai. For himself, and for Kouyou.

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