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"Everything ready?" Yyan asks for the nth time as he tightens his shoe lace

"All good" Tyrron nodded and handed him their fake ID's so they could enter the hospital without a hassle

"You only have 45 minutes to come in and out of that hellhole, Yyan. You have to be quick" Tyrron added

"Mica, you up?" Yyan looked at Michaelis who looks like he's about to lose his marbles from nervousness

"Fuck, this is my first major operation after 'dying'. Why do I feel like this is a comeback performance?" Michaelis nervously shrugs the feeling off his body as he bounced lightly

"Really? You didn't feel that when you stole from your bar or when you waltzed to the Dirty Waters?" Tyrron sarcastically asked him, making Yyan flick Tyrron's arm.

"The car's good to go" Hendryx also spoke as he gave Yyan a nervous look. He feels something off during this mission, but like what Yyan said, he had to shrug it off

"Alright. Have Jaxen on standby. We'll be going." Yyan said as he entered the car

"Alright. Don't be stupid, Yyan" Tyrron nodded at Yyan's way

Yyan just smirked as he held the car door open

"Nah, man. That's your job to do." He replied and closed the door

Tyrron watched the car drive off his perimeter as he let out a soft sigh before entering his shop again

He was left to deal with the six idiots but he knew that it won't be long til he had to deal with two more idiots.

Tyrone decided to go to Ian's bunker, where Jaxen and Max was

"Yo" he greeted the twins as he entered the bunker

Max raised his eyebrow and looked at Tyrone

"Shouldn't you be watching the four idiots?" Max asks the man

"No. Why would I?" Tyrone replied and plopped down on Ian's sofa

"Cause Ian told you to?" Max repliex sarcastically

"Why would I listen to him? He's not the boss of me" The moment Tyrone said that, he heard a loud bang from outside of the bunker

"How the fuck— we are on a soundproof bunker" Tyrone angrily stood up and exited the bunker, going to find where the noise came from


"Fuck I think my balls are sweating" Michaelis nervously shifted as he walked with Ian inside the facility

They have successfully entered the front door with no hassle, thanks to Tyrone's fake IDs and believable backstories

"I swear Mica I will drop you this instant if you don't behave" Ian hissed at Michaelis in annoyance, making the younger man gulp.

"Now do you remember the plan?" Michaelis nodded in reply

"I'll be the meatshield while you plant the eye" Michaelis replied and lowered his head when one of the nurses passed by

They both entered the elevator and pressed the basement, which could only be accessed by a staff ID which luckily, they both have

Ian grabbed his pocket mirror and used it to check the ceilings of the elevator for a cctv. When he saw where it was positioned, he motioned to Michaelis making him clear his throat and turned his back on it, lowering his head

The elevator dinged which signalled their arrival in the basement. The two went out but before the doors could close, Michaelis held his pellet gun and aimed it at the cctv, pulling the trigger to break the glass lens of the camera.

The two walked around the basement, looking for a specific room where the mainframe of the whole facility would be

"CCTV room." Ian muttered making Michaelis nod. At the end of the hallway, they separated their ways as Michaelis made his way on the left wing

Turns out, it was a group of nurses who were hiding from their supervisor.

Michaelis smirked as he removed his hat and wore his ID, walking confidently to the CCTV room

"So this is where you guys are hiding, huh?" Michaelis smiled sweetly at the nurses, grabbing one of the seltzer the nurse was holding and took a gulp of it

"Don't worry. I won't tell Chan" Michaelis smirked, distracting the nurses from looking at the multiple screens

"I'm sorry, who are you?" One of the nurses spoke

Michaelis looked at her name tag before chuckling softly

"Come on, Jenna. We've met before. I'm Nyx from Building B. We did a routine together?" Michaelis lied smoothly as he spoke.

"We're all from Building B." One of the nurses whose name is Pearl raised her eyebrow in confusion

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Michaelis chuckled nervously

"I'm actually new here, it hasn't been a month since I started though, but I remember you Jenna. It's impossible you can't. I mean, come on, we spent a very nice routine together" Michaelis smirked once again as he looked at Jenna. When he noticed the nurse blush, he smirked and took a sip on the seltzer he's holding

"A-ahh... Nyx, I remember. Sorry, yeah, Josie trained you, right?" Jenna stuttered as she tried to appear professional in front of the handsome 'newbie nurse'

"Aha! You're right. Your memory must be hazy from that night. We did have a good time together, didn't we?" Michaelis innocently asks once again, looking at the screens from time to time as he stalls the four nurses

"Y-yeah that we did..." Jenna blushed and nodded

Michaelis did his best to stall the nurses and when he noticed Yyan slipping out of the maintenance room, he smiled at the four nurses once again

"Well girls, sorry but Chan still asked me to photocopy some patient files so I'll see you guys around" Michaelis winked at the nurses and handed the empty can back to Pearl.

When he left the CCTV room, the four nurses looked at each other

"There are no male nurses in Building B, right?" Jenna asked Clarisse, the other nurse

"Yeah, since it is the building for female SA victims.." Clarisse replied and looked at the door where Michaelis just left

"He must be a patient here, pretending to be a nurse. He's lucky he's handsome" Pearl replied and looked at the seltzer can Michaelis handed her


When Michaelis successfully entered the car, he noticed that Yyan wasn't there yet

"I got the files. Where's Yyan?" Michalis asked Hendryx who looked like he was about to cry.

Hendryx didn't reply when he started the car and drove off the facility

"No, no no no, Hendryx where's Yyan?" Michaelis panically asks once again as Hendryx drove away.

"What did Yyan tell you before you entered the hospital?" Hendryx tried to speak in a calm manner but in reality, he is lost in his own turmoil.

"What? Hendryx where the fuck is Yyan!? Why are we leaving him?!" Michaelis exclaimed once again as he looks around

"We have to go" Hendryx replied in a harsh tone, driving back to Tyrron's autoshop

"Hendryx where the fuck is Yyan!" Michaelis nervously shouted as he clutched the seat in front of him, looking at Hendryx through the rearview mirror

Hendryx didn't reply and held his satellite phone, dialling Tyrron's channel as he drove his way back.

"They got him. Amerryllis got him."

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