Whispers of Destiny

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The old house was filled with nothing but the rhythmic ticking of a clock positioned somewhere in front of my room. How was this supposed to change me? It would only make me insane. Nothing made sense.

My father had been discussing with his siblings the idea of sending me to another country, but I was certain we were still in England. Perhaps I had somehow slipped into another time period. The relentless ticking of the clock was the only thing preventing me from believing that time had stood still. I felt an overwhelming sense of boredom.

With a heavy sigh, I rose from the bed, contemplating what I could do in this disegusting weather after several days. The only books in the house were about travel and world exploration, which only served to confirm the professor's boring personality.

Finally, I made the decision to leave the room and and find something to do with all the time I had on my hands. The housekeeper, Mrs. McReady, had left me alone while she went to town with her aunt, providing the perfect opportunity for me to explore the house. As I walked past several doors, I finally stumbled upon what I had been searching for—the professor's office.

Being cautious not to disturb the dust on the door handle, I carefully picked the lock using a hairclip I had discovered in my bag. It took some time, but eventually, the door yielded with a grating sound that sent a shiver down my spine.

What I stumbled upon was far from shocking. The room was filled with rows and rows of books, the dust had covered everything and it smelled like someone had died in here.

My expectations were quickly shattered as I had anticipated something more interesting—a hidden secret, perhaps. Instead, I found myself face-to-face with a mere office. Proceeding cautiously, I sneaked into the room, my eyes scanning the surroundings. However, my attention was immediately drawn to the desk belonging to the late owner. Scattered across it were not only drawings of a lion and what appeared to be a Woman in a luxorious Dress and a crown but also notes written on aged, yellowed paper. Amidst the chaos, I managed to decipher a few scattered words across the pages:

"High Kings and Queens" "Aslan" "Jadis" and something resembling "King Casper" My heartrate pucked up. Finally something interesting. I sacnned the pages searching for more but this seemed to be everything.

Suddenly, a sunbeam broke through the dirty window, casting a ray of light . It pointed directly at a tiny drawer hidden beneath the desk. Like a moth to a flame, I felt an irresistible pull and tugged at it. The drawer was stubborn, but with great effort, I managed to pry it open, revealing its hidden treasure. Inside lay a single object—an old key. Despite the room's abandonment, it remained clean, devoid of any dust as if someone had cared for it.

Extreamly cautious, as not to damage it, I carefully lifted the key from the drawer. Engraved on the handle, which resembled a coin, was the image of a lion. He seemed to stare at me. His eyes looked like he knwe everything about me and a shudder rolled over me. In the dim light I recognised an engravement: "Aslan will rule" I had heard this name before. Scanning the old pages once again, I discovered not just one, but a total of 23 instances where this name was mentioned.

Just as I wnated to scan the books and the other pages a noise shattered silence in the air. It was the sound of the front door, indicating Mrs. McReady was back. I started to panice. Within secounds I grabbed as many of the papers I could and stuffed the key into my pocket. As quietly as possible I rushed back to my room and shut the door behind me.

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