Narnias final battle

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The steady beat of my heart, mixed with the sound of hooves of my horse, were the only thing my senses seemed to capture. I could hear my fathers voice in the back of my mind: "We all turned out to be heroes but Evony is still a child". He said this to my aunts and uncle the day they decided to send me to Narnia which now felt like a lifetime away. I didn't feel like a child anymore. The young King, that had to grow up to fast and rule a country had taught me that. After days of travelling I got to look past his angry facade and I got to recognise how human we all are.

With a quick glance to my left I remembered Caspian riding next to me in battle. His eyes were fixed to the front of the enemys line. His brown hair was flowing in the wind and his strong facian structure clearly showed how royal he really was. He looked like a knight out of a farytale.

I fixated my eyes back on the enemy. The mad ones were faster than us but their movements were sloppy and they didn't seem to be able to weild their weappons as smoothly as the Narnians. As I weilded my sword, and the troops approached eachother my other senses returned. I smelled the stench of rotting flesh of the nearly dead victims of the witcher. I heard the jelling of our troops, fighting for their country side by side. And now everything fell into place. This was what my father wanted to protect me from. This was what Aslan wanted me to fight for. In the next second my sword collided with another pice of metal. The shockwave burst throught my body and I felt alive for the first time.

The clash of metal against metal filled the air as our forces charged downhill towards the amassed army of Malothar. The ground beneath us trembled with the weight of our combined fury, and the anticipation of battle fueled every beat of my heart. As we descended further, I felt the rush of adrenaline course through my veins, sharpening my focus and heightening my senses.

The distance between us closed rapidly, and as we drew nearer, I could see the twisted grin on Malothar's face, a sinister mockery of triumph. But I refused to be intimidated. With a fierce battle cry, I urged my horse forward, feeling the exhilarating rush of wind against my face as we thundered down the hillside, Narnians and mad ones falling in battle right beside me.

The clash of steel erupted around us as our forces collided with the enemy, the sound of swords meeting shields and the cries of combatants mingling in a chaotic symphony of war. I raised my own sword high, ready to strike down any who dared to stand in our way. Amidst the chaos, I caught sight of Malothar, his eyes burning with malice as he advanced towards us, his dark aura casting a shadow over the battlefield. Without hesitation, I spurred my horse onward, charging straight for him with a fierce determination burning in my heart.As we closed in on each other, Malothar raised his own sword, a twisted blade wrought from the darkest depths of his twisted soul. With a swift motion, he swung it towards me, but I deflected the blow with a determination of generation of generation of Narnians that belived in the greate Rulers and Kings of the old times.

Our swords clashed again and again, each strike ringing out like thunder amidst the chaos of battle. I could feel the raw power coursing through me, driving me forward with an unstoppable force. With each blow, I pushed back against Malothar's dark influence, refusing to yield to his malevolent will. But even as we fought, I could sense the darkness closing in around us, threatening to overwhelm us with its relentless fury. Desperation clawed at my heart as I struggled to hold my ground against the tide of darkness that threatened to consume us all.

"You are just a mere child" His voice coursed through my brain, he didn't even need to open his mouth to send his words through my body. "You cannat defeat me. I AM A GREATE WIZARD! I WILL GUT YOU OUT LIKE A FISH! WITH YOU ALL OF NARNIA WILL DIE!" His words cut through every fiber of my body but as my blade hit his for another time I claimed with determination: "I am not just a child. I am the daughter of High King Peter. I am the heir to the Cair Paravel throne. I am the rightful Queen of Narnia and you will feel my familys and my countrys fury through my weappon. And if it's the last thing that I will do on this Godforsaken earth." my voice was cool but at the same time filled with pride. My family were once greate warriors and now it was my task to carry their protection of Narnia on.

And then, in the midst of the chaos, a roar coursed over the battle field. I knew, even before seeing him that Aslan came to help us. I dared to take a quick glance to the top of the hill but this was a fatal mistake. In the mere secound where I was able to see the Lion I was immidialty struck with the blade of the wizard. Through some kind of miracle it merely glided across my arm, which was immediately soaked by the dark red liquid. The warm, mass dripped down my forearm until it finally sickered into the floor, staining the green grass a dark color. A scream burst through my throat. It would have been able to shatter glass and I immidiatly noticed Caspians attention on me. Before Malothar was even able to lift his weappon again, the king stood by my side and attacked the man who just hurt me.

His fury was indiscribable. He resembeled an animal, filled with rage and anger. Within secounds Aslan stood on the other side of the field. Noe I was able to see him clearly and my look towards him was pleading.

His majestic form towered over us, his mane shimmering like liquid gold in the sunlight. With a roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, he leaped into the fray, his presence casting a powerful aura of strength and courage over our beleaguered forces.

With a renewed sense of determination, I pressed forward to caspians side, compleatly ignonging my hurting arm, my sword flashing in the sunlight as I fought alongside the king. Together, we pushed back against the tide of darkness, driving Malothar and his slaves back with each stroke of our blades.

They were finally rounded up, still trying to defend themselves but there was no escape. Behind them stood Aslan overpowering the whole army and infront of them stood our army, casting them in on either side.

And then, in a final, decisive moment, I saw my opening. With a swift, decisive strike, I brought my sword down upon Malothar's twisted blade, shattering it into pieces and leaving him vulnerable before me."Please we can talk about everything.", he started pleading. As his words left his mouth the mad ones immidiatly stopped fighting, confusing our troops. With a quick command of Robin Hood they held their position as not to be suprised. But my focus was only on the Wizard.

I took a quick glance to Caspian who glared at the wizard. My gaze traveled to Aslan and his kind voice filled my thoughts:"You did a greate job, my child. You made your father very proud. But this is not a task for you. Turn around and leave the forest with your troops.", "But Aslan we have to stop him", my inner voice pleaded with the Lion. "This is not your task my child. Leave the work to me and turn your back to the violence."

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