Robin Hood

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As I felt the blood rush to my face, I sneaked back to the bonfire, a rush of excitement coursing through my veins. With a quick, movement, I gathered up the blanket that Caspian had carelessly left on the ground, attempting to distract myself from the vivid image of his body basking in the morning sun. He looked like a god, sculpted from marble with exquisite delicacy, and... suddenly, my thoughts were shattered as I caught sight of him ascending the hill. I averted my gaze, desperately trying to banish the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed me over the past day.

"What is the plan for today?" I managed to ask, my voice inadvertently rising in pitch, betraying my inner turmoil. He shot me a suspicious glance but said: "Our final destination is a tavern nestled near the river bank, just a days ride from here." he responded, his words carrying an air of intrigue. "If fortune favores us, an old friend of mine will meet us there." Nodding in approval, I assisted him in erasing any trace of our existence, ensuring that no evidence of our presence remained behind.

Standing beside my horse, anticipation prickled my skin as I sensed his approach, yet I remained almost motionless, captivated by the magnetic pull between us. Suddenly, he reached out, his hands firmly grasping my hips, effortlessly lifting me onto the horse's back before mounting his own steed. The next hours stretched before us, filled with a silence laden with unspoken desires, as we rhode along the riverbank.

My back ached, a reminder of the hard journey we had just started. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, as the breakfast at Professor Kirke's house, which now felt like a distant memory from weeks ago, had been the last meal I ate. Sensing my discomfort, he broke the silence, his voice tender and concerned. "I believe we should take a break. We've distanced ourselves enough from the castle, after all." I readily oblidged, and together we selected a quiet spot by the water, unpacking our provisions of bread and dried goods.

After our quick break, we traveled further North, braving the biting wind and the restless river. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we finally arrived at the cabin near a bustling dwarf village on the opposite bank. While Caspian tended to the horses, I cautiously stepped inside. A symphony of lively music and melodies echoed from within. With bated breath, I slowly pushed open the door, revealing a curious mix of fawns and Telmare inhabitants, their eyes weary yet expectant, as if awaiting my words.

Suddenly, a Person rose from their seat,dark eyes that promised suffering and a grin that send shivers down my spine. But before he could make another move, he froze on his way as Caspian joined me,putting his arm securely around my shoulder, guiding me to a secluded table at the back. There, an mistirious man dressed in a vibrant green cape and veiled face sat, reaalxed sipping his pint. "Only one could command such silence in a room." he greeted us, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. He possessed an undeniable charm, with his flowing blond locks and captivating brown eyes, resembling a prince from a storybook.

"My king, Queen Susan." he addressed me, making me feel inexplicably uneasy. "Hood, my old friend, it has been far too long," Caspian replied to the man. "Allow me to introduce Evony, daughter of High King Peter. Niece to Queen Susan" he corrected the man's assumption. The mysterious figure leaned forward, extending his hand towards me, and said, "I am Robin Hood. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Evony." His touch sent a chill down my spine."I don't belive I see the Merry men around."I stated with a look of curiosety on my eyes.

"Nah,they were my greate grandfathers thing although I can't help but wonder how you're familiar with the Merry Men. It's been quite some time since their era. Unless, of course, you weren't born here, considering the High King departed Narnia three years ago. And you certainly don't seem too young. No offense intended." Robin Hood remarked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "No offense taken. You're right, I was born in a different world where time flows differently. Robin Hood is a  ballard where I come from." I replied, feeling a sense of suspicion lingering in the air. Turning to Caspian, I asked, "So, why exactly are we  here?"

"Well, Robin owes me a favor. We seek shelter for the night." Caspian explained.Hood grinned mischievously, declaring, "For you, my friend, I'll arrange anything. The only problem is, we're rather full at the moment. I can offer you a single room with one bed. The rest are all occupied, given that the mad ones are closing in. People are flocking here for safety from the North." We exchanged knowing glances and nodded, following Robin as he led us through a discreet back door, away from the bustling pub and into a nearby house.

"We'll take it," Caspian confirmed as we stepped into the cozy room. It was sparsely furnished, with only a regal queen-sized bed and a simple dresser. The entire house was crafted from sturdy wood, which explained the comforting warmth that enveloped us, shielding us from the freezing temperatures outside.

After Robin returned to the tavern, I dropped my bags onto the floor, feeling a heavy sigh escape my lips. Suddenly, the warmth of the room seemed to fade away, leaving behind a chill in the air. "Alright, you can take the bed, and I'll settle for the floor," Caspian declared, draping his blanket on the ground. "No, you can't be serious. That wouldn't be fair." I argued, my voice filled with protest. "You're a king, Caspian. You shouldn't subject yourself to the cold floor."

"Listen, Evony, I'm not here to debate this with you. It's freezing, and considering you're new to this country, I'm not sure you can handle just how bone-chilling it can get," he responded firmly. "You have a point, Caspian. That's precisely why you should take the bed. I'm accustomed to far colder weathers. After all, I live in England." I stated with a touch of pride.

"¡Maldita sea!, why do you have to make this so difficult?" Caspian groaned, clearly exasperated. "I have no idea what your England is, but I genuinely worry that you might fall ill." A teasing smile crept onto my face as I retorted, "Really? How cute. Concerned for my well-being, are we?" Our banter continued, each word laced with a mix of playful annoyance and underlying affection.

"Mierda, Evony, we'll just share it okay? So you can stop your arguing", Caspian finally snapped. "Fine but i'll take the window side", I crossed my arms and looked defiantly up to him. Caspian let out a resigned sigh and said, "Alright, if you're that's what you want" I nodded, but he insisted, "No, I need to hear you say 'yes.' I want to be sure that you're okay with this." And so, I finally uttered the word he longed to hear, sealing our fate for the night.

We turned our backs to each other while changing,  before eventually climbing into the bed. Awkward silence enveloped us as we both stared at the ceiling, unsure of how to proceed. Breaking the silence, I ventured, "Caspian, how did you truly feel about my aunt? It seemed like you were devastated when you found out just how old she is now." He gazed into the distance, lost in his thoughts, before finally responding, "I liked her, a lot. But I knew that our paths had to seperate. The last time I saw her, I was a mere sixteen, and now I'm nearly twenty. And she, well, she's what, around forty-nine?"

"Well, if it brings you any solace, she never married. I believe she had a soft spot for you too." I said as I faced him as sleep began to claim me.

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