The Enchanted Wardrobe

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I was woken up by the harsh lighting of the morning sun through my window. Relief washed over me as I realized that the relentless rain had finally stopped. However, in an instant, the memories from the previous day flooded back into my mind. Hastily, I leaped out of bed and dressed myself, my fingers tightly clutching the old  key I found yesterday as I scoured every corner of the house. I remebered that the housekeeper had already left, leaving me compleatly alone to look for what I needed.

Unlocking the dusty door, as I had done the day before, I cautiously stepped into the old room. Within the meticulously arranged binders, I discovered more depictions of my father and his siblings as adults, adorned in the same clothes and crowns as before. Furthermore, I stumbled upon more letters, addressed to the Professor, written by my Aunt.

"Dear Professor Kirke, I hope this letter finds you in good health. It saddens me to learn of the progression of your illness. It has been a year since we last ventured to Narnia. My brother Peter has joined the war, while Susan has joined our parents. Now, Edmund and I found ourselves living with our peculiar cousin, Eustace. He is quite an odd fellow."

The entire day slipped away as I immersed myself in reading these letters, delving into the final escapades of my Aunt and Uncle in Narnia. I learned of their reunion with Caspian, the false sense of peace they believed Narnia possessed, the transformation of their cousin into a dragon, and his subsequent redemption. Once again, they triumphed over evil, saving Narnia from its clutches. Yet, one particular sentence arrested my attention.

"I keep remembering how we came to your house all these years ago and we discovered the wardrobe. This truele chnaged us. Thankyou."

My breathing stopped. My eyes kept reading the same sentence over and over again. Was this the reason? When my family went here all those years ago they discovered Narnia. I couldn't belive it. My own family send me here. Were they setting me up to go there too? Would they really risk getting me killed by evil witches and Knigts.

I saw red.I stormed out of the room, stumbeling trough the house in a state of confusion. The afternoon sun seeped through the windows, but suddenly, its warmth became unbearable. I was caught in an intense heat, feeling as though I was suffocating. Abruptly, I came to a halt, gasping for air. Desperately, I attempted to open the door before me, but it stubbornly resisted. Through my anxiety and coughing fits, I instinctively grasped the key nestled in my pocket and astonishingly, it effortlessly fit into the lock. With a gentle click, the door swung open dramatically, and my breath caught in my throat. Before me stood a nearly empty room, except for one single object—an old wardrobe.

I cautiously entered the room, mindful of every step I took. Opening the door slowly, I was greeted by a collection of old winter attire and a lingering scent of lavender. Upon further inspection of the floor, something caught my eye—a glimmer of silver reflecting the faint light. With utmost care, I picked it up and examined it in my hand, discovering a necklace. The pendant showcased the silhouette of a lion, its eye adorned with a ruby. Casting a wary glance around, I pocketed the key and the necklace, then left the room. I know this was wrong but I needed to find out more. I rushed back through the corridoors, past the office and the Clock that was still ticking forever, outside and through the garden.

I only stopped when I reached the shade of the ancient tree. I sat down, exhausted. Retrieving the key and the necklace from my pocket, I observed them closely. They both depicted lions, leading me to conclude that they were connected to Aslan, perhaps originating from Narnia—maybe even a message from there,in an attempt to reach my family. Overwhelmed by an intense urge, I decided to put the necklace on. Weary but determined, I tucked the lion symbol beneath my blouse and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

Suddenly, a distant rumble of thunder reached my ears. How could this be possible? The sun shone brightly above, and the sky was cleared of any clouds. Driven by curiosity, I decided to climb the tree and investigate the source of the sound. With great effort, I found myself perched on a sturdy branch. From this  point, all I could see were lush green leaves all around me,not even the sky. Then, a warm breeze brushed against me, urging me to climb further. As I ascended, the sunbeams filtered through the branches, guiding my way. Finally, I reached the top and scanned my surroundings.

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