Aslans' camp

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I jolted awake, sweat dripping from my forehear. Franticly I turned but Caspian was nowhere to be seen. I screamed his name but no answer. In the next secound someon appeared at the cave. A scream escaped my throat but I quickly realised that it was a dwarf, a healthy one. "My queen I am sorry. I didn't want to wake you. The army arrived and King Caspian thought to let you sleep." My breathing slowed again and I followed the dwarf out to the opening where we came from. There the Narnian army had set up rows and rows of tents, hundereds of Narnians and Telmarians, all dressed in Iron armour made their way with weappons or horses, setting everything up. I followed the Dwarf through the mass of people but I quickly realized that they temporarily stopped doing their work and bowed down as we passed. All this attention made me uncomfortable and it didn't stop until we entered the biggest tent at the end of the camp.

Around a table sat Caspian, Lord Drinian, Robin Hood and Rhince and a few other people. They didn't even notice my appearance until I stood next to them, so focused were they on the map they had spread out. "Good morning my queen." one of the Narnians greeted me. Caspians head rose and he looked me in the eyes. To my relief his pupils weren't dialated and he looked as normal as ever. "Caspian, I need to talk to you", I said firmly. With a last look to his men he excused himself and followed me out the tent. "Robin evacuated everyone south, Helaine and Gaele followed suit. We are ready to strike today if we just-" I didn't even let him finish, as I hugged him so tight that his breathing stoppeed for a few secounds. After catching himself he returned the hug but quickly asked. "What happened Evony?".

I explained my dream in detail and how I thought the wizard was the one cursing the people. His demeanor chanded and he said: "This is serious. If we have to handle a wizard we need more help. And I don't mean a bigger army. We need Aslan." He sounded so concerened that goosebumps trailed over my arms. "And how are we going to find him. From what I know he doesn't just appear when you ask him to, only when you really need him." I remembered how Lucy wrote to Professor Kirke that Aslan appeared in the last second every time they had to fight the evil. "It's true," I noticed that every time Caspian was more stressed his spanish accent seemed to be stronger and it gave him a more wild appearance. Not at all that composed King but rather someone that would figt with everything in their power for their country. " there might be a way how we could contact him ." He paced around, looking into the distance. "Are you going to tell me that way or do I need to guess?"- "You told me that when you dreamt of the wizard a roar echoed through the forest, making the mad ones flee. That might have been a sing. Aslan is a big fan of showing up in dreams. He showed up when Lucy was in Narnia for the first time, wen Mr. Tumnus made her fall asleep and he also showed up for her when we were in the forest when they first met me. The last time he showed up in her dream was when we were on my ship. She had put a curse on herself but he loosened it. So maybe he is continuing this tradition with you?" I listened closely. It actually made sense. "So what are we going to do now?" I asked curiously. "We gonna make you dream."

The stone table wasn't far from the camp. Nowadays it was a well kept sacturary for everyone who needed Aslans help. It was located in an underground cave of some temple, the narnians called "Aslans how"

Caspian explained the story to me on how Aslan sacreficed his life for my Uncle here 1000 years ago. The rocks were cold and the constant wind made me shiver. Behind the massive table that had a huge crater in the middle was a depiction of the Lion. It felt strange how powerful even this bust of the ruler felt.

"Alright," The Satyr was clearly agitaded as he set up the ritual. "we are going to send you into a deep slumber. You are going to have to navigte through your dream to treach Aslan. If any complications should come up, we can't save you while you are inside. We are going to be able to protect your mortal body but if you die in your dream, you will never be able to return." My throat was cloing but I just nodded.

Bevore I could even get on the table Caspian pulled me aside one last time. "Please be careful. I know I haven't been a good person when you first came here but you are the last thing that remains from your family here. I need you to know, that I care about you." With these words he gave me a tight hug, his face buried in my neck and I could feel his heart even through his armor. I knew that this might be my end but I had to try everything for Narnia.

Thousand questions rushed through my mind but Caspians touch made me calm. "I'm going to find Aslan and I will return, I promise." And with these words I gave him a small kiss on his cheek and made my way to the stone table. The atmospere was tens, multiple sets of eyes were set on me and as I closed my eyes I realised that this was the first time I ever felt like I was doing everything right. That I had found my purpose.

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