25- Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

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"Mike?" The brunette jumped back

"Hi Will" The ravenette smiled throwing a hand into the air

"Shit!" The small boy exhaled placing a hand on his chest, breathing deep, casting an annoyed look over "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh, cry me a river" The tall boy joked

"I'll give you something to cry about..." Will pouted raising a fist into the air "What are you doing here?" crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I thought that Richie was forcing you to do something" Mike admitted rolling his eyes

"What?" Will furrowed his brows

"I mean, you did almost get stabbed yesterday, so I was being cautious" The ravenette shrugged looking away.

"Aww! Where you worried?" Will cooed "How sweet!"

"Hey don't say it like that!" Mike remarked "I just don't want you to turn this trip into a murder mystery" Rolling his eyes. Now that was a novel concept: a love story turned murder mystery. That would be a thrilling read, keeping that in mind so he could write that down one day.

It was somewhat ironic to Will, that he was sent to a comic book considering in the future he wanted to be an artist, more specifically a comic book artist; although now he had bigger problems. If he was to ever make a comic in the future it would probably pull inspiration from the situation he was currently in.

Realising he had been quiet for a long minute or two, he spoke "Yeah, well! Its giving stalker vibes"

"Stalker!" The ravenette spat

"Yes, stalker!" Will repeated

"I'm not that bad!" Mike pouted "Lucas is the stalker!"

"Hey don't speak like that about Lucas" The brunette furrowed his brows, knowing the athletic boy wasn't the type to do such a thing.

"What?" The ravenette furrowed his brows "Ohh... you don't know"

"Know what?" Will retorted

"It's an inside joke" Mike chuckled, struggling to finish his sentence without bursting out with laughter trying to keep composure "When Max first joined our school, Lucas and Dustin used to follow her like lost puppies"

"Oh..." Will nodded "Does Lucas like Max... like romantically?"

"He used to- Not so sure now..." The ravenette smiled suggesting "He might do"

"Oh..." Will frowned, but honestly something he was used to, never expecting to find someone to love; it wasn't as though he was being dramatic, more a combination of low self-esteem and social anxiety. So, whenever he had a crush on a guy it was sort of usual for him to just expect them to be straight, so the heartbreak hurt less and for Will it was a feeling he knew all too well in Lenora.

The boy shook his head casting out his thoughts "So umm should we go?"

"Oh wait I want to give you somethi-" Mike spoke suddenly being cut off by a figure running their way screaming causing the ravenette's mouth to scrunch

Comic Catastrophe; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now