27- The Hypothesis

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"... I think Mike has a crush on me" Will abruptly spoke filling the void around them; the area remained quiet as Dustin said nothing seeing the brunette blink repeatedly; only the chirps of the birds and faint rustling of leaves filling the area.

After what felt like an eternity the curly haired boy parted his lips "Weird flex but okay..." chuckling the words gliding across his tongue, shrugging his shoulders wanting to know more of this situation.

"What do you mean 'okay'?" Will mocked throwing his hands in the air

"I mean... Wasn't it obvious" Dustin shrugged placing an awkward smile on his face

"Girl, no!" The brunette retorted, attempting to diffuse the situation with a little humour

"Will!" Dustin deadpanned "He follows you around like you hold all the stars in the universe"

The small boy scrunched his face "That is the cringiest thing I've ever heard"

"But it's the truth" The curly haired boy raised an eyebrow

"Dustin" The small boy squinted his eyes "This isn't some 'Enemies to Lovers AU' Where Mike falls in love with El's step-brother"

"So dramatic" The curly haired boy sighed, rolling his eyes

"But last week he couldn't stand me... this is too sudden even for a comic" Will explained, it wasn't the fact that Mike had a crush on him, more of how quick that could have occurred

"That's true" Dustin leaned against the wall thinking, remaining silent for a moment "But then again do comics ever make 100% logical sense?" raising an eyebrow seeing the small boy shake his head.

"But this happened in the comic" Will repeated to himself audibly

"What? You just said that Mike likes you, not El!" Dustin scrunched his eyes

"No..." Will explained the confusion "I mean that, all the things Mike are doing to me... he does to El in the comic"

"I've never read the comic... remember?" The curly haired boy deadpanned

"Oh yeah" The brunette nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his neck

"Can I read it?" Dustin chirped excitedly

"Sure! If you'd like" Will shrugged

"Hell yeah!" The curly haired boy pumped a fist in the air

"You're way to excited about that!" The brunette shook his head

"I wanna see how I look in comic form!" The curly haired boy smiled bright "Now to deal with your crush problem"

"I'm pretty sure I'm over thinking it!" The small boy waved his arms around, nonchalantly trying to convince himself that he was being delusional; after all he was in a comic book for Heaven's sake, if that doesn't say he was losing grip of his sanity, he didn't know what was.

Dustin raised a hand high into the sky, an evil smirk on his face approaching closer to the brunette grabbing his shoulders "I think I know a way we could prove it!"

Comic Catastrophe; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now