31- Polaroids

206 8 32


---- Monday 7:52 AM ----

The brunette arrived at school early today as per usual. His weekend uneventful; filled only with unpacking and occasional chitchat with friends. Will sighed laying his head down on the desk using a felt-tip to doodle on the table, ordinarily he wouldn't dare to, but decided to break the rules a bit. After all, the pen he was using would wash off with a mere dab of a paper towel.

The small boy sketched his Dungeon and Dragon character 'Will the Wise', complete with little accents to his clerics' robe. The boy wished he could add colour but had no time; his eyes averting to his wrist that had a charm bracelet; gifted from his stepsister- El.

The bracelet was pretty simple; just some chains linked with a singular large charm: a compass. The small boy smiled just observing it, deeming it as a thoughtful gesture that the doe-eyed girl had thought of.

"I wonder were we'll go for camp next!" El skipped over leaning on top of Will's desk

"We literally just came back from this one" The brunette chuckled raising his head "Don't you think we should rest for a bit?"

"Can't a girl dream?" The doe eyed girl pouted obviously giggling

"Not when she's prancing around the room" Will rolled his eyes playfully

"Hmph!" She pouted "I'm gonna go to the snack bar with Max... Want anything?" quickly changing the subject, standing up straight.

"Um... Nothing I can think of!" The brunette smiled

"Okay! But if you want anything, text me!" She waved, running off toward her girlfriend hand-in-hand out the room. The brunette watched with a soft smile on his face; the doe-eyed girl having an excitable and preppy aura than the one presented in the comic. Laying his head back on the table, Will looked out the window "Ohh a portal!" excitedly jumping out his seat parking himself near the open window observing the sky.

"Will what are you doing?" Dustin slithered over crossing his arms, a bright smile on his face with his voice calm. The brunette said no words just pointing at the sky.

"Another portal?" The curly haired boy nodded "It's oddly pretty, isn't it?"

"I guess it is!" The small boy mumbled, never actually thinking about it. Now that it faced him head on, the small boy really observed the portal, detailing all its curves and edges; the purple particles radiating a mystical aura. It was inexplicitly beautiful, almost captivating the eyes of the only two boys who could see it.

Suddenly a drink appeared in front of the brunette; realising Dustin being the one who slid it across the window banister. But why? Will tilted his head confused, turning to face the curly haired boy whose expression suddenly changed, morphing to one more sombre.

"What's wrong?" Will furrowed his brows "And what's this?" picking up the drink that already had its straw poked through the hole; freshly popped, as if done especially for him.

"It's for you!" Dustin exclaimed

"Okay... but why?" The brunette scrunched his face

"I just wanted you to have a nice drink!" The curly haired boy pouted acting suspicious "You deserve it"

"This comic has made you lost the plot definitely" Will judged quietly

Comic Catastrophe; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now