Y/n was calmly seated on her bed until she heard the sound of three knocks coming from the outside of her house, which was shocking because her house was huge. Her father was rarely ever home so she usually had a lot of time to herself. After a few more seconds of silently thought to herself, that's when the girl shrugged it off and just assumed that it was because her house was empty.
She got up from her bed and pushed the book she was reading off of her lap before she turned to the boy that was quietly snoring underneath her covers.
Smiling to the man that was still asleep, she slightly leaned over to him and gave him a soft kiss underneath his eyes before she leaned back with a whisper that said, "Yujin, I'll be back okay?"
Of course Yujin didn't reply though. He was knocked out so she didn't think much of it. All she did was lean herself back even further and whirled herself around before she went back on her way.
As the female walked down her steps, she heard the knocking getting a little louder against her door, and that caused her to flinch back a little at the sudden noise.
Embarrassed by the fact that she'd gotten startled by a few knocks that left her door, she rolled her E/C eyes and quickened up her pace, "I'M COMING!!"
Once Y/N was finally all the way down the steps she quickly walked towards her door and slammed her hand onto the handle before she pushed it down and pulled it back.
A slight gasp erupted from her mouth at the sight of Zero standing at her door with emotionless eyes, but a small smile on his lips. He looked so creepy and different to her, and all of a sudden a weird feeling began to grow inside of her stomach. Something was telling her not to let him in, but it wasn't like she was going to either way.
Leaning her head on the side of the door with squinted eyes, she looked the blonde up and down with a hum. "What are you doing here...?"
"I wanted to talk to you... Didn't you want to.. t-talk to me, Y/N...?" He mumbled her name as he took small steps closer to her, watching as she stepped in front of him so he wouldn't be able to try to get in.
The woman then faked a smile towards the male since she knew exactly what he was capable of. "No, actually. I didn't want to talk to you... So.. it'd be best if you'd just.. l-leave.."
Zero felt so heartbroken and it seemed like he didn't even want to try and guess what was wrong with him, "What...?"
"I'm sorry, but... You can't be here, Zero.. especially not after what you've done..." She breathed out, eyeing down his mannerisms to see if he'd try anything on her.
Feeling his heart pump inside of his chest while his smile only grew a little, Zero stepped up to Y/N even more, "Why?? Why don't you want me here, Y/N? Is it.. Y-Yujin..?! Is that why....?"
"Yes." She replied, still silently making sure that he wouldn't be able to cross her.
Zero's wide smile dropped and he sent her a little pout while Y/N just watched him puff his cheeks out with innocent eyes. " Y/N... You're so lucky you're you... Because.. if you were anybody else I would be so.. so pissed...."
Before Y/N could even gather the words she was going to say next, she already felt the man begining to try and shove his way past her, so that resulted in her pushing I'm so he was out the door once again.
He had a look of shock formed over his face, but that didn't change anything. It was already done.
"Y/N..! What the hell?! Let me in!!" His voice raised a little, but he was still a little shaky and upset with the woman's choice to just push him.
"No. I can't let you in, Zero... You know what you've done..!! You.. you tried to kill Yujin, Zero..! Do you know how serious that is?? We.. we had to cover for you because we were scared that you'd kill one of us next!"
Zero felt weak to his knees, and not in a good way. He just wanted to fall onto the ground and apologize to Y/N, but he knew it was too late. She'd already seen his bad side and there was no coming back from this.
He was already on the verge of tears as he slowly went closer to Y/N. "I'm.. Y/N, please...!!! I.. I didn't mean it, you.. you know that! He.. he only wants you all to himself!!"
A loud sigh came from Y/N as she looked off to the side while she bit she inside of her cheek, "Just... Stop.. it's honestly-"
"Y/N!! DON'T DO THIS...!!" He shouted, tears already growing inside of his now glossy blue eyes that went wider.
The woman flinched at the loud scream she wasn't expecting from the man at all, and all she could do was keep her distance from him.
"Zero... Could... You just leave...?" Zero could see that Y/N was getting a little afraid of him, and that really hurt because he didn't like the look on her face at all, plus she seemed a little less confident than before.
"No...! No..." He was a little more calmer than before, but that didn't mean Y/N trusted him at all. "I.. want you to know that I'd never hurt you...! I would NEVER!! I love you so much.. you're my light, you're what helps me wake up in the morning, you're always on my mind, I feel like.. I'm so connected to you... I need you...! You're my love!!!"
The mans words didn't help the woman feel any better at all, instead it actually made her feel even more uncomfortable. "Zero, I.. uh.. you need to-"
"I LOVE YOU!" He screamed out, his voice a little bit more cracked and higher than the last time he shouted.
Y/N was just silent and still in place until she noticed that he was creeping even closer towards her, so she felt that she had no other choice but to slam the door on the boys face, so that's exactly what she did.
Eyes widening as a tear left his piercing eye, Zero froze up for a second before he stared down at the floor with even more little whines erupting from himself. He truly didn't think he was going to have to do what he was going to do next, but here he was.
Awww yn and zero LMAOOO (The way this is his exact body type too)
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