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Subaru's POV

As I was walking around the mansion.

"Hey subaru"

I turned and saw Laito.

"What do you want" I said annoyed.

"Well you know that mortal that's living here um.... Victoria, right?"

"I don't care"

"Well ok then I'm going to check up on her then and I bet her blood taste delicious won't you agree I mean you are the first one to taste her am I right?"

"So what if I am it's not like I own her like a puppet or something."

"Awww is Subaru having a soft spot on the mortal?"

"WHAT! Tck, no way in hell"

"Keep telling yourself that" he said and with an blink of an eye he left.

"Tch, the nerve of him" I said to myself. I went Victoria's room and opened it. When I saw her my eyes widened because she was in the middle of CHANGING CLOTHES. Not like I care or anything but when I saw her turn around to get her shirt and pants in the bed and saw me.

Your POV

When I turned to get my shirt and pants I saw Subaru there with wide eyes looking at me from head to toe.

I blushed a little but then again I am angry that he didn't at all "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SUBARU!! LOCK THE OTHER FREAKIN WAY!!"

"You don't need to yell. I can hear you out and clear and I'm not interested in mortal bodies like you."

I smirked "So if I were a vampire You would be interested in me hmmm"

"I still wouldn't because I think love is stupid."

"O and why's that?"

"It's just stupid that all I need to explain here."

"Ok then" I say fully dressed. "I will be going now Laito told me that-"

He cut me off "Don't get close to him."

I crossed my arms "And why should I do that? I'm not a little girl"

"Because he's a psycho"

"That still doesn't explain why Subaru"

"He goes crazy around blood that taste sweet."

I rolled my eyes then a smirk creeped on my face "O I see wants going on"

"Finally" he sighed in relief.

"Your jealous aren't you"

"What are you talking about?"

I started laughing "I can see it in your eyes." I laughed but I calmed down and smirked. "I didn't think a vampire would be jealous of a mortal like me."


"Ok ok sorry and thank you"

"Now it's to late!" He said punching the wall and leaving.

"What's his problem? Jeez." I said to myself.

'Someone needs to help him to melt that frozen heart of his and I'm the one to do it'

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