The search part 2

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Your POV

I'm feeling so... weak. I can't take it anymore, All these experiments and shit. It's been a week since I've been kidnapped, eaten or even drank anything. I lost hope of someone saving me from this nightmare. 'I just hope that I'll just-' My thoughts were interrupted by The most dreadful pain I felt in my heart. I groaned at the pain.

"It's already starting I see" I lifted my head and saw the man who choked me to death and I found out his name is Carlos.

"What do you want huh?! more torture" I spat.

"Now now my dear no need to get angry. You already completed the-"

"The what hm?! Experiments you did on me! Don't you dare say they are stages or shit because that not fucking true!"

I can feel him glaring at me.

"Fine if you want it that way then no food or water for another week." He said and left by slamming the door.

Subaru's POV

We had been tracking Victoria for a week and Reiji said If we can't find her then just leave her and let her die or whatever but Yui still insists on to keep on looking for her and for some reason I agree with her.

Ever since Victoria went missing I started to feel lonely but the question I keep on asking is Why? Why do I feel this way? Why Victoria? All these questions I keep on asking myself makes me wonder something I never ever felt before but then again I keep on arguing myself that it's not that.

"Any sign of Victoria yet?" Yui said.

"Sadly no"

"Why can't we track her by the smell of her blood." She said.

"We did have a led but then it suddenly vanished." Laito said.

"Hmm from this point on no one will go looking for Victoria is that understood. " Reiji said.

"But they said they had a lead and if all look in the forest we'll probably find her " Yui said

"Didn't you listen it vanished" I said.

"I don't care she still might be in the forest somewhere we just have to look harder." She said determined

"I forbid you to search for-" Reiji said and glared.

Yui's POV

"No I'm not going to listen to you" I cut him off. "I going to keep on searching for her even if you don't like it" I said angrily.

I saw everyone looked suprised by my reply and action. I stormed out and started to look for Victoria in the woods.

Ayato's POV

We are still suprised by pancakes subbed out burst and storming off. I began to follow her.

"No Ayato let her be" Reiji said.

I stopped for a minute but then started walking again and ignoring Reiji comments.

I found Yui not long after I went up to her and hugged her from behind. She jumped back and was ready to hit me but When she did she saw me and stopped her fist in mid air and relaxed.

"You dummy I could of hit you" She fold her arms and huffed her cheeks.

I chuckled at her cuteness "Come on now let's start finding her."

She nodded and started walking.

~~~~~3 hours later~~~~

Yui's POV

It's been 3 hours since me and Ayato went to look for Victoria. I sighed 'Maybe we she did ran-' Before I can finish my thoughts I heard a really scream. Quickly me and Ayato heard it and ran in our inhuman speed.

'Don't worry Victoria we're coming'

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