2. Bitch Lace

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[CW: a humiliating medical procedure involving anal and birth canal]


"You'll consult my doctor about scheduling your procedure."

I took a quick glance at Commander Stoll, who was zipping up his pants. I turned away again, shivering in disgust and exhaustion. I wanted to forget the past hour. I wanted to forget how brutally he had taken advantage of me, how he had tried to break me and my will. But first, my body and spirits needed to heal and forget the pain I'd once again had to endure in the hands of an alpha.

"Procedure, sir?" I repeated, quickly pulling my pants back on.

"Your womb. I told you it needs to be tied up," he said.

"Yes, sir," I said in defeat.

He snorted in amusement, then stepped behind me and grabbed me by my chin, forcing my head back.

"Look at you learning to be obedient," he murmured, and bit my neck, like he hadn't already chewed it raw. "Such a good soldier..."

"How will I know which doctor to call?" I asked, and he let me go. I used that opportunity to take a few steps away from him, trying to stay up on my shaky feet.

"I'll have my secretary make the appointment for you. He'll be in contact with you."

"And... After the procedure, what happens after that?" I asked.

"We'll talk about that the next time we meet," he said.

"Next time, sir?"

He gave me an evil smile. "Next time you're in heat, you come here and prove yourself to me again."

I shivered, feeling cold and sick. He laughed.

"I want to see if it'll change your attitude, or if you still hate me. And I need to make sure you weren't lying to me when you said your heat won't affect alphas," he said, then sniffed my neck. "I don't get a strong scent from you."

"Because my medication works," I said.

"And when will you prove that?"

I swallowed and hesitated before I said, "My next heat is in three weeks."

"Splendid," he said, giving me a smile that promised nothing good.


My consultation about the procedure was three days after that. I felt sick when I woke up that morning, even though the procedure itself would be scheduled during the consultation and wouldn't happen today.

I arrived at the small clinic just outside the city early in the morning and checked myself in at the front desk. The nurse behind it glanced at me, then at the papers she'd printed out for me, then back at me with her expression turning degrading.

"So you're here to get tied up?" she asked.

"For the consultation about my birth control," I corrected her quietly.

She raised her heavily painted eyebrows and snorted. "Have a seat. Someone will come get you shortly."

I nodded, took my papers, and went to sit down. I tried to ignore her giving me disapproving glances. I felt filthier with each passing moment. She thought I was a prostitute. I couldn't think of another reason for her to give me such judgmental stares.

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