41. Invitation

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I wanted to panic. I almost did. I couldn't breathe or think or even see anything but that man who had nearly broken me into such small pieces it was a miracle I'd recovered from it. But I obviously hadn't recovered from what he did to me. My omega wouldn't have shut down, and I'd be able to breathe if I had recovered. I didn't know how to keep myself from panicking. I had no tools to help myself. I just wanted to run, but even that was impossible. My fear was too great.

"Care to explain what is all of this?"

My ears were ringing so loudly I almost couldn't hear the words the general spoke to the person on the speakers...

"Define all of this," the person asked in return, using his real voice I didn't recognize.

If I'd been able to recognize anything at all at that moment... I tried so hard to focus... But I couldn't... I could almost feel Stoll's angry, painful touch on me...

I could hear his words... His shouting... His curses...

And just when I thought I was crashing, I felt a firm grip around my wrist. My first instinct was to fight back, but I still couldn't protect myself. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't make myself shake that hand off me...

"This. This warehouse. These... Wikipedia articles and toy guns."

But somehow... Somehow I understood it was Reid who held onto me so tightly. He must've noticed my distress... I could feel his worry, even though my omega wasn't there to tell me that. But Reid's worry didn't make me feel any better... He would want to know... He'd make me talk... talk about what Stoll did...

"Oh this? Well I wanted to invite you all to the party of the century, of course! Carefully planned just for you."

Reid breathed out slowly, soothingly, trying to get my attention and tell me I was all right... I wanted to believe him, but I knew things would get really bad now...

I just wanted to shut down...

"A party?"

Reid breathed out again, even deeper and slower this time... And maybe... maybe my trust in Reid was a little greater than my fear... His hand around my wrist was gaining my attention... It didn't feel like a trap, no... It became my anchor that helped me to ground myself, and I felt calmer. Not by much, but enough so I could breathe.

I would be fine... I wasn't alone. I wasn't at anyone's mercy. I could trust Reid. He wouldn't betray me... I could trust him...

"Yes. I actually tried to send the invitation to you already, but I'm assuming it got lost."

I couldn't even feel Stoll's presence now since my omega was gone. Maybe it was a blessing it chose to shut down. I had to get a grip. I couldn't let these people see me at my absolute weakest. Many of them must've noticed my distress already... I couldn't... Not in the middle of all these stranger alphas... They'd take advantage of me if they knew...

I forced myself to stand as tall as I could. I had to act like I was fine, that this was just a small hiccup. I knew how to act strong... I just had to... It was like when I was still in infantry. Back when I just had to clean myself up, get dressed, and walk away like nothing had happened because they would've enjoyed seeing my distress...

"Really? And when were we supposed to get this first invitation?"

But this wasn't quite like back then, was it...? Reid and Captain and half of my team stood between me and that man. Zero-Six was there, and I could hear more and more footsteps entering the warehouse because General Gray had brought the infantry with her. Stoll wasn't going to even look at me in such a crowded place.

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