10. Pheromones

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I slept better that night. Reid did wake me up once when he got up to use the bathroom, but this time, it didn't freak me out. He did get my omega nervous, but I managed to calm it down by... Well... I thought of Captain Hale and his words. Even the thought of him soothed my omega.

I really, really wished I could trust the captain... I already did, at least a little. Well, maybe a little more than just a little. And I kept thinking... Hoping... That Stoll had only tried to scare me when he'd said I'd be used as a toy. That this place was far from the hell he'd painted for me.

But it was far from what he'd said it would be. Statistically, the majority of alphas saw us omegas as equals and treated us as such. Which meant the majority of the alphas in this place were actually decent fucking people.

Which meant I'd let that sick bastard Stoll lie to me and get under my skin...

I would never be safe from people like him. There still were plenty of them in this army, but maybe it was all right to trust Captain Hale, maybe even his men. I mean, statistically speaking, Captain Hale was definitely one of the decent people, and probably all his men, too. I just couldn't see him as an abuser. There was no way. He was nothing like all those people who had ever hurt me. He was way too kind and considerate to be a bad guy.

And he'd promised I'd get to see my old captain on Sunday. It really fucking cheered me up. It was insane how much I already missed Captain Fernard and his kindness... I really wanted to talk to him.

So I woke up feeling quite positive. After a goodnight's sleep, I felt much better. I stayed in bed, enjoying the soft covers and the heavenly mattress while slowly turning my attention to the room. And apparently, to Reid Bishop.

He sat behind his laptop, reading something. News, maybe. I couldn't really see. I wondered if I should wish him good morning or if I should just leave him alone. I sniffed the air a little, taking in his strong scent. It was a really nice scent... I couldn't tell apart the little hints, but he smelled like danger. Like something I'd encounter on a battlefield.

And he looked good, his blond hair a mess and a stubble framing his face...

"Morning," he suddenly said without taking his eyes off his laptop.

"Morning," I replied and sat up.

I wanted to say something. Anything really. My omega was still studying his scent. It was curious about him. A little timid, because Reid was a big fucking guy, and afraid we'd anger him again, but still, it was curious. And so was I.

But... Maybe I shouldn't bother him.

As soon as that thought left my head, Reid glanced at me. His face showed no emotion as his green eyes studied me. I could've used that opportunity to say something, but having his eyes on me stopped me. And not because he was intimidating...

"I heard you used to be under Captain Fernard's command," he said.

"That is correct," I said.

"And he's coming to see you today?" he continued.


He nodded. "He was my captain, too. So fucking long ago..."

"Really?" I asked, getting out of bed to sit on the couch. "How long have you been on this team?"

"Uh... Damn... Eight or nine years?" he said, looking a bit shocked it had been so long already.

"And how long you've been in this army?" I asked since he seemed willing to talk to me.

"It would make... Eleven or twelve years."

So he was way in his thirties...

"Do you... like Captain Fernard?" I asked.

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