22. Gifts Fit For Elites

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Captain was visiting Michael Mercer. I kind of hoped I could've gone with him, but I really had no business as a rookie to visit the leader of the mafia. Besides, I was now really feeling my heat approaching, so I wasn't at my best. I was... I felt weak, and my stomach was getting upset.

And I could feel the Lace... My birth canal was trying to expand...

I shook it out of my head and went to find my contract. I'd stared at it quite a lot in the past twenty-four hours. I couldn't believe I hadn't even thought of asking about my salary when Captain and I went through my contracts. I'd figured it would be more than the two grand I'd made in a month, but six grand? And there it was written down and signed in my contract... A little over six thousand, just like I was told.

I'd get rid of the Lace in no time... I'd have to endure two heats, and it would be gone...

I let out a deep breath, pressing a hand on my stomach. I was getting really uncomfortable in my clothes... My chest area was getting sensitive too, my joints ached a little, and I was sure I was a bit feverish.

And this was day one... I'd been fine with everything else since I never really had any cramps, but now... And what happened during my last heat... With Stoll...

I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself together. My omega was awake and feeling miserable enough without me bringing up what that horrible alpha did to us. We didn't need to feel even worse.

I held onto the thought of getting rid of the Lace soon. We'd be fine. We were safe now. Our scars would heal, and there would be no new ones. We were just getting hormonal. We'd feel better once this heat was over.

We'd be fine now...

I put the contract away and turned around to stare at the door. I'd left it open so I could hear the others. Part of me wanted to go to them, but the other part wanted to be left alone. I'd always wanted to be alone during heats. My omega, when it had been awake, which rarely had happened, had wanted us to go into hiding. But now? Both of our need to have company, to find comfort in others, was slowly growing.

Isn't that how things really should be? When not feeling well, us omegas sought safety in alphas, who in turn got overprotective, and when alphas were unwell, they sought comfort in us, and we would take care of them.

It was a nice thought. Until now, I'd been unable to see how a dynamic like that could exist in our world. But I saw it now.

I didn't have to make the decision to either join the others or stay in my room, because that decision was made for me.

"Eyy, Captain's home!" I heard Ash shouting somewhere in the building. "They're bringing goodies! Wait... What is that...? OH MY LORD, they went to Shannon's and didn't take us with them?!"



I had to get up and go see the commotion myself. I had no idea what Shannon's was, and peering out the window didn't really give me an answer since I just missed them. So I made my way to the living room to join the very huffy alphas who were waiting for Captain by the stairs.

Reid quickly appeared out of nowhere next to me.

"So who's Shannon?" I asked him quietly over the displeased mutters.

Reid smirked at me. "It's silly. And whatever you witness today, I swear we are badass elite soldier killers, okay? Just... We've been conditioned, okay? It's Captain's fault, really. So..."

I chuckled at him. "Okay..."

Captain and Nico reached the bottom of the stairs, carrying large plastic bags full of stuff, and noticed us all glaring down at them.

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