36. His Words Heard

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We all stared at Thomas in silence after he claimed he was working for Jomica. The kid could tell we didn't quite believe him. He lifted his chin even higher, keeping his eyes on Captain.

"I'm not lying," he said harshly.

Captain stared at him for a moment longer, then shifted in his seat. "That is not a name sane people are throwing around for fun, indeed."

"So now you're calling me a crazy person?" Thomas said, growing even angrier. "I'm telling you. It's Jomica. They recruited my group a year ago!"

"Uh-huh," Captain said slowly. "I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm just not sure if those people who recruited you were honest with you."

"They...!" Thomas snapped his mouth shut, and his angry eyes had a hint of pain in them again. "I don't think they lied to me," he added in a calmer manner.

"How sure can you be about that?" Captain asked.

"Listen," Thomas said quietly, almost hissing at him when he leaned closer. "They are not rookies. They are not wannabes. They knew their shit, and they knew stuff. They knew Jomica's secrets. They are dangerous."

Captain spent a long time in silence as he studied the young terrorist closely. That angered Thomas even more, but he kept his mouth shut and waited somewhat patiently.

Finally, Captain leaned back.

"I agree," he told Thomas. "I will not jump to any conclusions. We need to investigate this further before we can say if it really is Jomica or not."

"So?" Thomas asked with a frown.

"Whoever this group is, they are skilled," Captain said. "On top of that, if you are correct, and they are in fact Jomica or one of their divisions, this is bigger than what my team can handle alone."

"...So?" Thomas repeated.

"Would you be all right talking to a bigger crowd? I think I need to ask the General herself to be present in this meeting," Captain asked.

The kid hesitated, but finally relaxed a little. "Only if it's her and you and your dogs. I'm not talking to anyone else. Got it?"

"I am fine with that," Captain said.

"But you have to understand. Some of the information I have is urgent. You can't waste time," Thomas said.

"What do you mean by that?"

The kid sighed. "When we were recruited... We were given a specific job."

"Which is...?"

Thomas grew even more reluctant, so I already knew...

"Our job was to kidnap omegas so they could use them to make money," Thomas said gloomily.

I didn't visibly react to his words, but I felt something nasty in my chest. Reid had a much stronger reaction. He glanced at me, but said nothing.

"I see," Captain said, keeping his voice neutral. "Do you know where these omegas are kept, and how many there are?"

"I know exactly where they are. There's maybe twenty or thirty of them."

I could feel us all tensing up at his words. This was getting really big...

"Where are they held?" Captain asked.

"It's an hour drive from here," Thomas said. "I can give you an address, but if they suspect anything, anything at all, they will start killing the omegas. They have a huge building where they are held, and you will never get down to them in time to save them all. There are at least a dozen terrorists present at all times, ready to slaughter them all."

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