29. Still Good

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I felt so incredibly weak... All I could do was stare into nothingness in front of me as I lay in Reid's bed, right next to him, tucked away under his arm. My head felt heavy on his shoulder, and so did the arm and the hand slowly caressing my shoulder. Reid held me gently... I trusted him to keep me safe because I couldn't do a damn thing. I didn't want to.

I was so tired... But I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't even close my eyes. I was glad Reid didn't try to get me to talk. He stayed silent as well. I didn't want to deal with anything. Anything at all. I didn't want to even think about getting out of this bed. I could've died in it for all I cared.

And my omega... It was silent, but it refused to leave me alone this time. It wanted to be brave this time. It found being brave easier now that we had this big alpha on our side. An aggressive one at that.

We were safe. I knew that, but I was still terrified.

I just wanted to forget and pretend none of it ever happened, but now... Now I would be forced to deal with it, and that terrified me. I didn't want to. I couldn't. I refused. Why was I forced to live through the most horrific memories from my past? I got over it. I survived. I endured what I had to endure and moved on, so why was it all back in front of me again? Why was it being shoved in my face like that?

Why didn't they just let me move on...?

I had no idea how long we stayed in Reid's bed, and I didn't even care. I would've stayed there until everyone forgot I even existed if someone hadn't knocked on our door. Like I didn't know who it was. My omega could smell Captain long before he knocked.

"Boys...?" his voice was quiet.

Reid glanced at me, but I refused to even blink. I refused to do anything.

"Come in," Reid finally said, and the door opened.

I stayed still and didn't look up.

"Oh, baby..." Captain murmured quietly and came to sit down next to our bed.

He leaned closer and tried to make eye contact with me, but I kept staring at the air.

"We're not doing well," Reid said quietly.

"Riley...?" Captain kept his voice soft when he tried to get my attention. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"He's... shut down," Reid told him. "We saw the news."

Captain let out a small breath. "You're all right, Riley. Nothing bad will happen. Everything will go back to normal now, I promise."

I didn't believe him. They already betrayed my trust. I never wanted any of this to happen, and they still went behind my back... They made my life so much worse. Nothing was going to go back to normal that easily.

They both stayed silent, but Captain slowly reached for my hand that rested on Reid's chest. I stayed still when he touched me softly and continued caressing the back of my hand carefully.

"You're all right, baby boy..." he murmured. "I'll make sure of that."

"I'm not sure if he can hear you," Reid told him. "I think he's shut down."

Captain hummed gently. "He's just afraid... But he doesn't have to be, because that horrible part of his life is over now. It is completely over. No one is coming back to haunt him. No one is coming to ask any questions. I made sure of that. Now we can go back to normal, and he'll be forever safe with us."

No one was coming to ask questions...?

Captain smiled a little wider at me. "That's right, baby boy... I took care of everything for you."

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