31. Large Situation

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"Gear up!"

Those two small words were like a mad electronic shock that hit our base. Everyone bolted. It took me two seconds to decide what I should do, and by then, I was already alone. I hurried after Reid without wasting another second.

I was going too. That was my decision, and I wasn't going to let Captain leave me out of it this time.

I rushed into our room to find Reid already pulling his gear from his closet. I followed his example and went to find my stealth suit. I could feel my partner taking a quick glance at me.

"Captain won't let you," he told me.

"I am coming with," I said sternly.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" he asked.

I turned to give him a quick glare. He shrugged and hurried to put his pants on.

"That's it?" I asked while doing the same.

"Can I convince you to stay at home?" he asked.


"Then I better just focus on getting geared up," he said. "I'll let Captain fight with you instead."

"He better let me come," I said sternly. "Or you'll get to smuggle me in your backpack."

Reid snorted in amusement. "You are all right, right? Head in the game?"

"Head in the game," I said quietly. "I just want to do my job now."

"Good," Reid said.

We were ready only a few seconds later. I had to admit, wearing my suit was comforting. I only had pieces I absolutely needed, like a few holsters for my knives, but since Reid was ready to go, I didn't want to waste time. We ran all the way downstairs, where Captain had opened the door to the armory. He was speaking on the phone, in full gear, and didn't notice me sneaking into the room full of cages full of weapons with Reid.

I still had no guns of my own, so Reid gave me a few of his: two handguns and an assault rifle.

"Don't use them unless someone's life depends on it," he whispered to me. "We may get in trouble for this."

I nodded and hid the guns as well as I could while he grabbed weapons for himself. After that, we left our cage and joined everyone else at the entrance. All my teammates were now present, and most of them were still trying to get their gear in order while we waited. For what, I found out almost right away.

A large, heavily armored bus stopped in front of our house, tires screeching, and another one drove past it. Captain closed the armory and turned to speak to us. 

"Everyone ready?! Good! Get in the – RILEY?? What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm coming with," I said sternly as Captain pulled me away from the others.

"Hell you are! Get back upstairs!"

"No!" I said, pulling myself away from his grip. "Do not make me sit this one out!"

"Your training–"

"Is enough. I may be a rookie in this group, but I'm not a rookie," I said almost angrily. "You took me in because of my skills. Let me use them."

"You need to be resting," he said sharply.

"I'm fine!" I shouted back at him.

"We don't have time for this," Reid said, interrupting us. "We need to go. I'll keep him on a short leash, Captain."

Captain glanced at him, then at me. He squinted his eyes and stepped in front of me, holding his finger up. "You follow Reid's every command. If you fail to do so, you're grounded for a year. Got it?"

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