39. Preparing for Battle

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This was finally it. All our preparations, all those meetings and plans and gathering intel were finally paying off. We were finally going to rescue those omegas. They wouldn't have to suffer any longer at the hands of our disgusting enemy. Tonight, they would be free again.

It felt really good to put my uniform on this time. It meant something bigger to me this time. Even though our team was striking the main base, and Zero-Five, the team who had located Thomas Auburn's friends, was going with them to the baby factory, this mission still was the most important mission I'd ever had. It would probably be the most important mission for a long while after this. If we fucked this up... I didn't even want to think about it.

So yes, that uniform felt different on me this time. I guess it had something to do with the fact that I wasn't wearing it for myself, for my own gains and reasons. Now I wore it to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

Within hours, we were all set and ready to leave. A large armored bus came to pick us up and took us to the first rendezvous point, located within an hour from both enemy bases. No one really said much during that drive, but I could almost hear how focused they were. I could feel them going into their bloodhound mode. I felt their strength and energy. I felt the adrenalin. I saw sharp, bloodthirsty eyes everywhere I looked. And I heard their alphas clawing at their boundaries, demanding to be unleashed upon their enemies.

I understood why the enemy feared these soldiers so much, because even I had shivers running down my spine, and I was supposed to be one of them.

We arrived at a large, age-old farm outside all civilization: a secret army facility hidden deep in the woods. Trees and foliage had taken back the fields a long time ago, and the buildings were the only thing that gave away the history of this place. There were camouflaged army tents scattered between tall trees everywhere I looked, hiding either vehicles or storage boxes or soldiers from the view above. The rest of the operation was held inside the old farmhouse and the barn.

Once we exited the bus, Captain marched straight to the main house, and the rest of us followed him in somewhat orderly fashion. It looked like we were among the first to arrive since the house was pretty empty and quiet.

The inside of the house itself was nothing like its outside. I kind of expected to step into a regular old farmhouse, but no. Every single room was filled with electronics from top to bottom. There were large bundles of cables in every corner to support all the spyware, computers, and monitors. I spotted a lot of guns and explosives too. And piles and piles of crates. The house itself was pretty untouched. It was a little weird to see glimpses of the old wallpaper behind all that modern technology. The old, worn-down floorboards creaked under my feet. They'd even kept some of the original furniture.

"Captain Hale."

I took my eyes off the house to see a tall Hispanic man approaching us. He was wearing our black uniform. It said Grace 05 on his chest.

"Captain Garcia," Captain greeted him, then exchanged short pleasantries. "So you found Auburn's friends?"

"More like they found their way to us," Captain Garcia said, grinning a little. "The kid calls himself Trouble. He barely escaped your ambush at the Mercer house. Gunshot wound in his abdomen and bleeding to death. Can't tell if he's got the worst or best luck in the world, but he ran into my Sparrow, who lives at Clover Hill. As you remember, Sparrow is a medic. Saved the kid's life. Changed his attitude about True Order, too, so now we're here."

"Gotcha," Captain said, and gestured for the man to take us deeper into the house.

But before I could follow them, Reid nudged my arm.

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