42. Partner's Comfort

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I stared out the window on our way back home, trying to wrap my head around the mission we just finished. I didn't understand... I didn't understand any of it, really... But I guess... I guess that was because of... because of him...


Now that I had nothing to focus on, no mission, no danger... And my omega was gone, and the loneliness and silence was freaking me out... I... It was getting hard to keep myself together.

I tried to. I tried so hard to force myself to forget him. I was fine. I was safe. What happened with him was old news, something I should've gotten over by now. How many times had I been forced to sleep with alphas I didn't want to? It was supposed to be normal for me, for fuck's sake! They tried to use me as their fucking broodmare, and then as a prostitute when that didn't work! Omegas got raped all the time! I got raped all the time!

It wasn't a fucking big deal... I had no reason to break down now.

And yet... I was breaking...

I couldn't even escape and hide from the world on that bus...

Reid leaned closer to me and bowed at me. His breathing was deep, steady, and loud enough to tell me he was trying to soothe me. I had no idea if he still could tell I was in distress even though my omega wasn't there to rat me out. Maybe he knew, because why else would he have tried to soothe me?

At first, I paid no attention to him. I wanted him to leave me alone. I didn't need anything from him because I was fine. I almost hated him for making this such a big deal. He needed to learn to mind his own business and leave me alone. I was fucking fine!

I was fine.

I was...

I turned to Reid and froze. I stared at the backrest in front of him. I tried to keep my mind empty. I tried to focus on breathing. I grit my teeth together and balled my hands on my lap into such tight fists it hurt.

And Reid brought his face a little bit closer to me, his breathing turning even deeper and heavier. When I didn't respond to him, he carefully brought his hand close to mine, and stopped it to hover over my knee. I turned to stare at it. He didn't have his gloves on anymore. He didn't try to touch me. He just let his hand stay still...

I forcefully relaxed my hand... and slowly touched the back of his hand with the back of my index finger. His skin was warm. It was a little darker shade than mine. His veins were large and still pulsating after such an adrenalin filled mission.

I breathed out. And again... It was a little easier now... to breathe... to be.

"You're all right, little one..." Reid whispered so quietly I almost couldn't hear him.

I nodded a little. If he said so...

"We'll be home soon..." he continued. "Then you can rest, and I'll watch over you, okay?"

I nodded again.

"Okay... Just straight to bed, and no one will bother you without your permission."

Again, I just nodded. I kept nodding at every little soothing thing he said. Little by little, I leaned closer to him, seeking comfort and safety, which he gladly offered. In the end, my shoulder touched his, and my body finally relaxed. I still didn't look up, but I knew his face was right above mine because his breath tousled my hair. I just stared at his hand, which he slowly turned around, his palm up. I moved my fingers on his skin to trace the line around the base of his thumb.

"You're a good boy," he murmured. "We're all right... Everything will be all right..."

I trusted him...

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