33. Runaway Partner

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I'd thought that sleeping with ten alphas in such a small, confined space would be too much for me and my omega, but I eventually learned that that wasn't the issue. They simply were so fucking loud it was hard to fall asleep. Chandler was the worst. I was so goddamn happy I wasn't his partner. And I was so goddamn happy Reid was a quiet sleeper.

At least the bed compartments had folding doors made of black wood that muffled a lot of those sounds, and after I covered it with my spare blanket and pillow, I was finally able to ignore the rest of the noise.

And I had to admit, this little compartment was actually really nice. The bed was just as nice as it was back at home, and wide enough to roll around a bit without hitting the walls. There was no room to sit up, not even close, but using the pillows as a backrest, I'd be able to use a laptop, for example. There was a folding tray against the wall for that, and a cupholder right next to it.

On top of that, it really pleased my omega. It was like a little nest. Safe, secure, and comfortable on all sides, and there was one of our favorite alphas sleeping right below us. It just needed a little bit of styling, maybe a bit nicer sheets, maybe some little lights and extra pillows, and it would be perfect.

In the end, I slept like a baby without waking up once. When I did wake up, the first thing I noticed was how oddly quiet it was in the truck. I spent a moment listening, but couldn't really hear a thing, so I grabbed my phone to see what time it was.

"Crap..." I mumbled. It was almost twelve in the morning.

I pushed my spare blanket and the pillow out of the way, then opened the door, letting the bright daylight in. I had to blink a few times to get used to the light and then looked around. The truck was pretty empty, but I heard the sound of a keyboard at the back.

It was Captain...

"Morning," I told him, and he turned around to see me. "Have you slept at all?"

He smiled a little and stood up, then walked to me and rested his arms on my bed.

"I did," he said softly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby," I muttered, and rested back down on my side to look at him.

"That's a good boy," he mumbled. "And how are you feeling? You're not angry at me, are you?"

"Of course not," I whispered. "You saved a lot of people. I'm happy about that. And... about the rest of what you did."

His smile grew warmer, and he slowly moved his hand to hover it above my arm. I shifted a little closer to him to let him know I was fine with it, so he carefully placed his hand on my arm and rubbed me gently.

"You're a good boy, Riley," he murmured and watched me closely.

"So... You're not mad at me for making you take me on this mission?" I asked him.

"No," he said. "You did really well, and I'm proud of you."

I smiled a little and shifted a little closer again. "It felt so good to be back at work."

"I'll... I'll let you come with us more often now. On easier missions, at least," he promised, but it was clear he didn't really like the idea.

"I just want to do my job," I told him.

"I understand," he said softly.

I nodded, then hesitated before asking, "Did you find Nico yet?"

"I'm getting close," he said, and glanced at the monitors at the back. "I found his trail last night, but I still need a few more hours."

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