Chapter IX ㅡ Oops, Looks Like He's Possessed.

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"Hyung, I can't do this anymore either. "

Seungmin tells Minho. The older one looked at him with a hint of confusion.

Seungmin didn't care if Minho was shattered.

When everyone backed away from the now smashed painting, Seungmin was the one who stayed. Not caring if he stepped on those shards. He was in pain, looking at the mess he made. But unlike any other child, Seungmin faced the storm he had created. He took the pieces of fragment in his small, delicate palms, a wave of strong guilt washing over him.

But then comes the part where his parents came and took him away from the mess. Seungmin's eyes never left the art. They only gazed how the maid took the shards, placing them in the plastic bag with utmost delicacyㅡof course.

And just like that, the pristine work of art was now thrown away; but Seungmin didn't wanna throw Minho away.

He could stick the painting back together, maybe a few cracks, but it would still be just fine.

And for Minho, he could just accept his love, filling in the gaps of his void heart.

"Seungmin... you mean to say that..." Minho wanted to complete his words, but he was afraid if his expectations were too high and that the latter meant to say the exact opposite.

Seungmin giggles at the older's words, nodding his head vigorous as he interlocks his hands behind Minho's neck. "I'll be your boyfriend, hyung. "

Minho's eyes widen, an instant grin spread across his face. "Seungmin... you're lying. "

Seungmin gave the older a poker face, flicking a finger on his head. "I'm not, now just speak up before I change my mind!"

The older looked around, grinning hard, and he couldn't believe his dreams were coming to reality.

The one and only Kim Seungmin, whom everyone wanted, was now his.

"Seungmin-ah... you... seriously mean it!?" Minho asked again, just to confirm, and Seungmin nodded his head vigorously, laughing at the latter's reaction.

"I like you, Minho hyung. " He said sincerely, looking into the older's eyes. "I'm sorry it took long for me to admit it... but I really like you. "

Minho smiled at him sweetly, pulling him into a big bear hug.

"It doesn't matter now, baby. You're mine! And that's what matters. " He stated and slowly pulled away from the hug.

"Now explain the thing with Jeongin. " He said, and Seungmin's smile slowly faded away.

He thought the older would let it aside. Now, what was he supposed to answer him?

Seungmin felt each second pass by like an eternity. Why couldn't time move faster? He thought hard, contemplating on whether or not he should tell him the truth.

He could lie, but then the situation would become worse if Minho hears the truth from someone else's mouth.

And if he said the truth, he's just gonna make the situation worse earlier.

Either way, Minho is gonna be hella pissed offㅡ

"Seungmin, I do not have the entire day."

Minho stated, a bit stern. Seungmin bit his lips nervously and shifted his gaze towards the ground.

"Hyung... Jeongin and I went to the mall..." He started off. Minho raised his eyebrow, waiting for the latter to continue.

Seungmin felt his palms sweating. He rubbed his fingers together in nervousness. "Well, it was actually a hang out at first, hyung... but he said that he considered it a date!" Seungmin tried his best to explain.

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