Prologue/ Meet The Characters

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La Masseria main branch family were thrilled when they heard of the Abella's pregnancy test results. After a series of 8boys in the row, they really had something to celebrate about.

The brothers couldn't deny that they all awaited for the birth of their sister but they really hated having to deal with Abella's pregnancy hormones, especially Rauw, the oldest.

He felt utterly annoyed being woke up at 2am in the morning by his mother wanting to watch a RomCon movie with pickles, hot sauce and frozen yogurt.

For those 9 months, the men expected it to past in a fast blur like all the others but they were wrong. They felt like God had intentionally press the slow motion button on their lives.

Donato was getting more and more impatient in wait of his little princess and so was Abella but little did they both know a single error could make everything crumble down into pieces.

8 months into the pregnancy, Abella, Rauw, Haaland- 2nd oldest and Denzel- 3rd oldest began to count the days still the delivery, while searching for the best name to give to a mafia princess.

"Mom, what do you think of Demelza? It's kinda my name but feminine" Denzel proposed, going through a few names on a popular website.

Abella chuckled "You really are something. So you want her to be named after you?"

Denzel smiled sheepishly "No offense but I think I'm the best choice"

"I thought of naming her Kara, it means dear in Italian" Rauw said.

"Nice but I wanted to name her, Jocasta" Haaland stated with a frown.

Abella quickly thought of way yo settle the coming conflict between the boys and replied "We could still name her after all of that, Kara Jocasta Demelza Masseria. Problem solved"

"Why is Delmeza last?" Denzel whined.

"Think well, smart boy" Abella replied, sipping her glass of water.

He sat down, glancing at each one of them thinking "Ohhh it's from Rauw- Kara, Haaland- Jocasta and then me- Demelza"

Abella nodded with a smile, suddenly hearing some muffled commotion from downstairs. Rauw stood up glancing out of his mother's room.

"I should go-"

"No, I will" she cut him off.

"But the baby..." He insisted.

"Nothing will happen, Alejandro" she said with a smile, stroding out of room heading to the lounge.

"I told you to get an abortion" she heard Donato shout.

"How dare you tell a woman to kill her own child?! You should have thought twice before coming for me that night..." an unknown woman replied quite harshly.

"I'm married and my wife is pregnant. I can't risk losing her or my daughter because of a stupid fling, I'm not taking responsibility for the baby" Donato replied.

"What's going on?" Abella questioned, stepping into the mainhall.

Donato froze in shock, already feeling a strange feeling of fear and sadness as he turned to face his wife. Abella faced the beautiful young woman, holding a wrapped up baby girl in a basket and her bags beside her.

"Who is she?" Abella asked.

"Love, I can explain-"

"No let me explain, Abella Ferrari" the woman cut him off "I'm  Maria, Donato's ex girl friend from college. After our broke up, we still kept in touch and made up each time you two had a fight over some issues. Two years ago, after you two had a huge fight, he came over to my brother's club and we had sex together like we always did but it resulted to I having a baby whom he refuses to take any responsibility of"

Abella felt her whole world shatter into pieces. She took a step in front, her hands to her chest and looked at her husband in the eye.

"You cheated on me?" She asked "You've cheated on me for 14years.... Do you even care I'm pregnant with your child? Or are you going to refuse too"

"No, please, I'm sorry. I know it hurts but it didn't mean a thing to me. It was just a fling, a stupid freaking fling. You know that people make mistakes but that's just how people be, but I don't want her though" Donato said.

"I can't stay with my baby. I'm in serious dept and they may kill her if Donato doesn't take her in..." The woman added.

Abella felt something click inside. Anger. Blood rushed through her veins, she wanted to end the lives of both that woman and her own husband for being a complete jerk and cheat. He cheated on her knowing she was pregnant and he had 8sons.

"Mom..." Rauw and his two younger followers came down to the main hall. He saw a tear roll down his mother's cheek as the other woman argued with his father over a child, anger immediately covered him in a thick hot blanket to avenge his mother.

"You don't merit Kara. She doesn't deserves to have a jerk in her life" Abella stated "You can take Maria's child, after all that's your first choice. You've always wanted a baby girl and she beat me to the race of giving you one but I swear over my own grave that you'll never get to see or even meet Kara because I'm so leaving this house with my baby"

"Abella, please. Think about the children..."

"It's now you know?! Is it now you remember you have kids in this house?! Let me also remind you that your last son is just 3years old and he barely even knows who his father is, may be because he is never fucking present. Finally we all know why, you were busy with your mistress" She spat out spitfully, coldly ordering the maids to pack up her bags.

"Mom, please. You can't leave" Rauw pleaded, following behind her as she stomped back to her bed room.

"Alejandro, please don't" She cried out, falling down on the floor next to her bed.

"Mom!" He said, hurrying next to her side "Forget about Dad but please, even if you're not staying for me. Stay for Riordan, he's just three"

Abella couldn't help but burst out crying at the thought of everything going on. Donato had cheated on her for so many years and now, he didn't even need Kara again because he already had a baby girl from another woman but not her.

"Mom..." Rauw called out worriedly, watching as his mother's eyes suddenly went blank and slowly got closed.

"Help!! Haaland, please call an Ambulance" Rauw shouted for help, holding his mother from falling to the ground "Mom please, don't leave me. Please..." He cried out.

"Please, protect Kara"

"Mom! Haaland! Mom, please don't leave me! Mom!"

But little did he know that his mother had already drowned in the abyss of death.

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