21, The Girl and Him

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(This chapter will be shorter since it's Charlotte's pov)


The night before with the others were quite exciting, I couldn't deny. We came back home on Sunday at midday. Casey and Kara immediately went to bed since they were really tired while most of the brothers were already out after their Sunday mass services.

I quickly informed Haaland that I would be stay the night at Claude's, before packing up some of my things and going with the driver whom drove me to his father's mansion.

All of the people I've met in Italy, we really loaded and rich. Living with La Masseria, even just as a host family attracted much attention from the press.

I really missed Claude. We hadn't spoken much since he started schooling at Allegro High school as he got overloaded with the school work he had missed over the time.

The driver sent me a last glance before driving away, back to the estate. I rang the door bell and waited for a few minutes before hearing a thuding footsteps towards the front door.

"Hey" I greeted as Claude opened the door with his golden smile.

"Charlotte" He said, hugging me tight and placing a kiss on my cheek before letting me in.

His house gave off the 'golden family' vibe. Everything was at it placed and I couldn't even find a grain of dust on any household equipment or painting. Considering how he was, it didn't surprise me much.

"I like your house. It reminds me very much of you" I commented, strutting up the stairs by his side.

"Thanks. I'm actually the one who decided of the decor" He replied.

"From a master chef to an interior designer. You won't keep surprising me, Claude Wolfgang" I stated, making him chuckle.

He unlocked the door to his room, letting me step inside first. His room was modern and the typical teenager cliche type with the posters and gaming equipment along with his ring light that he used for his comedy videos. It was big and spacious, a little smaller than Kara's with the huge tv about 80cm or more and the cuir sofas.

"Nice! I didn't take you much as a gaming person" I commented, seating down on his bed.

"I don't play that often. Just when I'm bored" he said "I'm gonna get changed" He added walking into his bathroom.

I decided to take a look around the room. Everything was as arranged as the main hall and living room, tidy and proper. I picked up one of the pictures on his night stand and saw it was that with him and his mother at the airport before she went to Japan.

The other was him as a cute little baby and then one with his father at a golf court and a family picture. He really loved his parents from the look of it. I opened one of his drawers and saw a picture hidden under a pile of well arranged note books.

The picture was taken a few years ago at a familiar park in Paris, France. He sat down on the grass, hugging a familiar girl close to his chest with his beaming smile while the girl seemed colder and quite smaller with her features. She gave the camera a smaller but genuine smile, her eyes shunning under the sharp sun rays of that day.

I removed my phone and took a snap shot of a picture, sending it to one of my contacts before keeping the phone. Claude walked out of the bathroom dressed in more casual clothes.

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