40, My Family Business and Rauw's Arrest / End

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1 week later....

We technically lived on the beach.

Rio and Casey played in water like kids, splashing water on each other. Kiernan had eventually decided to come to no one's Suprise over the excuse that he was tired of washing dishes for Lucia and was currently laid down on a mat, reading a magazine with sunglasses laying low on his nose bridge.

According to him, he wanted to have a tan and personally, I don't know which tan he wishes to have other than a serious sun burn. Lawton was less present and became suddenly overloaded in work with Rauw and the oldies, he only tried to occasionally come out and check whether we were fine.

As for me, I was always at my corner, hidden under an umbrella and seated on a mat. I was dressed in a ditsy floral lace up cami crop top and denim shorts, watching my brothers and sister playing around like kids.

"Kara!" Rio shouted "Could you get my guitar in my room?"

I looked up at him. He was burying Casey under the sand while she was shouting for help. Don't ask me why, sometimes I feel like the older person among all of them.

I stood up, wiping the little grains of sand from my glasses as I walked back home. I entered through the back door, into the kitchen and passed by the living room when I heard some voices.

"We're dead!" Leylaini exclaimed "Well, not me but the company as a whole"

"Why are you panicking?" Lawton questioned in a rather calm tone.

"Ohh no. It's not like Rauw will not be going to jail in some time when the police will come here to accuse him of murder. Fairly enough, I care but I care more about Jocasta who doesn't know a single thing about your business and has to discover about it in such a hard way" She replied.

"I think she should move in with the Ferrari's" Denzel stated "That will avoid her getting involved"

The front door of the villa freaked opened. I perched down to the corner, hiding myself as I stared at the familiar figure walk into the living room dressed in a suit.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Rauw cussed out in anger. It could only be one person that could make him get angry to that point; Donato, our father.

"I heard what happened" he said "I wish to help you, Ale-"

"What can you help us with? Tell me, Father. For all this years, you couldn't even help reunite your family because you were so stuck up with that whory wife of yours. You abandoned your own daughter and neglected her, perfectly conscious that because of you, she will be growing up without a mother and now, you want to help us? Sorry but I don't take help from traitors. May you get out of my house" Rauw replied in a cold angry tone.

"I did mistakes but let be correct them. I take full responsibility for what happened with Abella and how neglectful I was about Kara. I couldn't even make things right with Casey and now, she too is unhappy. Let me make things right by helping you guys with this issue and the police" he said.

I was about to get up, when I accidentally knocked down a vase with my elbow, breaking it down into pieces while attracting all of their attention.

Leylaini walked out to check who it was and her eyes widened when she saw me. Rauw and Father were still arguing inside and Leylaini was frozen in her spot as she stared at me.

"Kara" she breathe out.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just came in to take Rio's guitar and-"

Just then did Rio, Kiernan and Casey walk in. Casey wore Kiernan's oversize hoodie while Rio had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Leylaini, who was that?" Ercole walked out and gave us a shock look "We told you to keep Kara distracted away from the house!" He shouted in anger.

"Umm..." Kiernan trailed off, unable to muster the correct words to reply.

Unknowingly, I moved foward and walked into the living room right when Haaland and Denzel where trying to hold Allie back from punching Father. He removed his gun and held it up towards him about to pull the trigger.

"Rauw, w-what are y-y-you d-doing?" I asked, scared.

His expression softened. He slowly lowered the gun and gulped down, keeping it away in his belthustler.

"Kara, please, wait... Let me explain" Rauw said but I shook my head. If he could hold up a gun at his own father when family was everything in this family, then what else could he do?

It would have been better if they worked for a mafia but now that they actually headed the mafia... it was a whole new level. A sudden feeling of uneasiness and deja vu of the scenario settled at the bit of my being making me feel unease and dizzy. My head spun in a massive headache, making feel like puking.

I was already hyperventilating. My chest aching in pain and my mind was spinning in a migraine.

"Kara, calm down" Father said.

"Don't talk to her!" Hester snapped, sending him a glare.

Rauw tried stepping close but there was knock on the front door. Ercole opened it and there was the police holding a warrant of arrest with Rauw's name written on it.

"You have to follow us to the station. He has the right to remain silent until he contacts his lawyer for the procedural trial" the man stated.

"Why. What did you do? Rauw, what's happening?!" I asked more of shouted, following behind him as he headed out of the door. Rio tried holding me back but I shifted out of his grip.

"Kara, just calm down. Okay? You will move in with uncle Arslane and Grandpa Amory. I will come back soon but just know that I'm innocent" Rauw said.

"But-" he walked away with the police, entering into the car and driving away without looking behind.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I removed it and saw the message he had just sent, fear creeping over me.

I told you, didn't I? Rauw is in prison. Who will be the next in your opinion?

My heart teared up and I found myself crying on the doorstep, my phone thrown away next to me. Rauw was naturally my closest brother and he was just from being arrested in front of me.

"Kara, come in-" I cut Leylaini off by running away, unable to actually control my movements at that very moment. I kept running, not looking back and their shouts soon enough faded behind me.

I didn't get time to register my surroundings when a big wide flashlight came next to me, followed by the loud sounds of cars crashing and soon I could smell the scent of burnt rubber from the car tyres next to me, then my whole world went blank and I couldn't feeling anything anymore.



Just believe me, okay?

But seriously.... I'm leaving you all with a cliffhanger😈💜
Life is just so unfair

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