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Ever since I started attending school, I've never been this excited to go to there.

I guess it was because I would get to see Charlotte especially as I wasn't able to speak to her for more than 2 weeks now and so will I also be able to get answers from Zeke. He hasn't call or texted for quite long and even before I changed my number, he seemed to be ignoring me which was making me kind of scared.

My hair was still dyed, I made it into a twist out puff before walking out of my room. Grandpa Amory and told me to always have my ring on as it was a family tradition and would go against the family rules if removed.

Another good news was; Father and Maria had gone on a Vacation to the Madiera Island! We were freed from her presence and Casey seemed to have gotten colder and quieter but I sure won't waste my time going to speak to her ever again.

"Good morning" I beamed.

"In a happy mood today, sis?" Hester asked.

"Yeah" I said, eating my breakfast. I still didn't have much of an appetite so I did not eat much.

15 minutes later, we were all done to get to school. Casey took a different car while Kiernan, Riordan and I entered into a one of Rio's cars.

"Why can't we use your car?" He asked as he drove.

"No! I will be the first to drive that car!" The car was of an emerald green colour that just made me love it even more.

"That's it is. Your first car" Kiernan commented sarcastically, faking his excitement. I rolled my eyes. We spoke for some more before we walked out of the car and separated. As I walked through the halls, the other students wished me a happy belated birthday and some even gave me a few gifts which I kept in my locker.

"Girl! Happy birthday...well, belated" Charlotte said, hugging me tight "It's such a shame that I couldn't be there. I missed you so much"

"Same. It wasn't complete without you" I said.

"But anyway, you will tell me everything tonight because I'm moving back in" she said "A little bird told me that Maria and Donato are away from a vacation"

I nodded "Good having you back"

"Yeah. I will meet you in class, I have to go meet someone" she said, before walking away.

"Hey Kara" I heard Shaun say behind me. I turned to face both him and Henry looking at me.

"Hey" I said "It's been quite long since we last  spoke"

Henry nodded "Yes. Happy belated birthday by the way"

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

"Yeah... I heard what happened between you and Jovie" Shaun said, not hiding his unpleasant tone.

"It's pretty messed up" I said, glancing at my arranged and perfect nails.

"She was placed in rehab" Henry informed.

"Yeah, I know" I said, not wanting to talk about the topic. My tone indirectly told them that. I was still angry at her but a part of me was sad that I had lost a friend like her.

"Do you really think she could do such thing?" Shaun questioned "Jovie will never do something like such to someone she cares and loves. Kara, you may not know but you were her best friend and she adored your company"

"She clearly didn't if she could do such thing" I retaliated.

"Kara, you're just angry and that anger is blinding you from seeing the truth behind what happened. Jovie didn't do it. I personally think that someone framed her to take the fall" Henry stated.

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