38, Meetings

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1 week later...

I've never felt so lonely in my whole life. My friends had ditched me for something else and my family were all too busy in work. I refused to go to school the whole of last week and all of them were too busy to question why.

Casey and gotten busy with tennis, cheerleading and swimming practice and so had she started hanging out with Kiernan, Lawton and Hester and I didn't want to disturbed their new bond with my issues. Rio was always out and he thought I didn't notice but I could clearly see the bruise and cuts on his first and knuckles.

Anwen had to a different country for only God knows what. Lawton was always watching TV and Kiernan had taken a medicine course.

I had gotten more lost into my thoughts and could barley concentrate on my surroundings. I was constantly lost and I felt dissociated from my own body.

History seems to be repeating itself, I could feel it. I felt dizzy, sick and I barely even ate in a day. The maids tried persuading me to eat but I just couldn't, feeling like willingly starving myself.

Something bad was happening and I wouldn't like the outcome.



I watched out of the car window as the driver drove towards the orphanage. I had managed to convinced my father to pay my flight to France though I had to lie to him that I had to clear my head away from Sicily and the drama at school. I was actually out to get more information about Charlotte and yes, I was ready to do anything to prove that I'm not a sick junkie.

The plane landed yesterday. I had no time to waste, going for sightseeing around the beautiful city of Paris. I hired a taxi to drive to Sunset Canyon Orphanage so I could meet Mrs Merkel, the mistress of the orphanage.

"Ont n'est  arrivé" he informed, parking the car in the drive way. I thank and payed him, walking out of the car and taking a brief look at the orphanage.

(We've arrived)

"Hey" I called out to some younger kids, playing in the garden "Est ce que tu sais où je peux trouver Mrs Merkel?"

(Do you guys know where I can find Mrs Merkel?)

The two girls glanced at each other, before turning and pointing towards the rose bed where an old woman perched down to water them.

I nodded, walking up to her while clutching my bag handle.

"Bonjour" I said in a nervous tone. She turned to face me with a heart warming smile, placing down the water can in the ground next to her feet.

"Je suis Jovie Genovese" I said, holding my hand out for a hand shake.

(I am Jovie Genovese)

She took it, replying "Bonjour. Mrs Merkel. comment peux vous aider?"

(Hello. Mrs Merkel. How can I help you?)

"Je suis un étudiant de Allegro High en Italie et je suis une des amis proche de Charlotte, qui je suis sûr elle était d'abord ici avant de venir a Sicile"

(I am a student of Allegro High in Italy and I'm one of Charlotte's close friends, who am sure was first here before coming to Sicily)

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