4, La Masseria

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"How does it opens?"

She looked down at the azure faux fur diary in Mrs Merkel's  hands with a fancy golden chain and lock around it. The battered baby blue fluffy teddy bear had some stitches around it and a few golden jewellery attacked to it, around it's wrist was a matching infinity bracelet.

"That's for you to figure out" Mrs Merkel replied "They mixed it up with some other stuff and they had to look for it"

She nodded, holding the things in her hand. Mrs Merkel nodded and walked away, heading to her office while she closed back the door of the room and stared down at the objects.

"What's that?" Charlie asked, looking up from her computer.

"A diary and bear" she replied quietly "It's locked" she added.

"Let me see" Charlotte replied. Grace gave her the diary, still hugging the teddy bear and feeling some connection to it. She attempted opening the diary but it was tightly locked.

"Don't you have a key for the lock?" She questioned, checking out the golden lock.

"No" she replied, seating down at the edge of her birth.

"Anyway..." Charlie said, handing back the diary "Thibualt gave me an authorization to check out the database for your parents"


"There are only 3 Grace's in town. One is 89years old living in a retirement home, the other is 23years old but she moved to Nice some weeks ago and the other is Grace Somerville, she died out of miscarriage 10years ago" she read out "There's no thirteen year old Grace and every person living in this town must have his name and information registered in the database. From new born to old grannies and to the deceased"

"So.... I don't exist?" Grace asked strangely.

"I don't know, Grace" she replied "I searched on line for missing children but most found in France were just teenagers. The main headline was from 2013, the kidnapping of Kara J.D Masseria"


"Never heard of La Masseria?! That's the fifth richest family in Europe. The head of the family, Rauw Ferrari is the second richest man in the whole and controls the whole economic sector of Italy, France and America. He owns most major building in Europe and north & South America" She explained.

"Okay" Grace said, not thinking that much about the matter. She stood up, holding the book and teddy bear in her hand as she walked out of the room, heading for the garden.

Charlotte Giruod was the only person she got to bond with in the orphanage. In fact, she didn't consider her that much of a friend and more of an acquaintance. The other kids didn't see her as someone that talkative or nice when it came to social interactions which made her to easily get pushed away from conversation groups.

Not like she wanted to join.

A breathe escaped her lips. Strangely, she felt like she hasn't been able to breathe like such for a very long time. Her mind was empty, no worrying thoughts or any disturbing memories overloaded it.

From how she felt and even though she just woke up from a coma 2days ago, she already knew that she didn't want to get back her memory.

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