11, Feelings

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It's been a week in the La Masseria mansion.

Hester, Casey and Riordan were difficult shells to break or at least have a little scar on them. Hester had terrible moods swings. Sometimes, we laughed and joked around with Kiernan but others, he will just snap rudely and insult me for some reason or another.

Riordan was always on his nerves. He left the house with a driver and came back very late at night but neither of the brothers minded that fact. He seemed to hate listening to me speak, my existence and my whole presence in the house stole the other's attention like it was intentional.

Like, I slipped down the stares and Haaland nearly fired the maid in charge of cleaning for living water on the staircases if I didn't try supporting the lady.

Casey wasn't much of a problem. She didn't talk to me much and only did when it was necessary or a matter of life and dead. I though her and Wave were close after the shopping day but neither of them seemed to like her. I only could learn more stuff about her from her super active account on social media and her photo shoot pictures.

She had a verified account in both tiktok, Twitter and Instagram, having 98.3 million followers in total. She was a renown influencer and promoted most trust worthy company, helping in boosting their sales and image to the public.

I looked at her latest pictures and gasped at how beautiful she looked while going through my clothes in search of a pin or something. A paper fell out of the clothes I wore when I first came to the mansion and I saw the number as Charlotte's!

"I didn't even call her!" I said, picking it up and running to my bed. I jumped on it and typed the number, holding the phone close to my ear.

"Allô, who's this?"


"Grace? I mean, it's Kara now" she chuckled.

"Sorry I didn't call earlier. I'm still figuring out Sicily"

"Having 8 brothers is not easy, K. It must be hectic"

"Yeah. I haven't even met all of them. I doubt whether he will like me considering Rio and Hester hate me for some reason"

"Really? It must be Anwen. He isn't actually posted in one geographical area so he travels alot"

"I heard of it" I replied "I've met a lot of people. I will like to introduce you to my friend, Jovie one day. My hair was actually dye, you know..."

"I knew it. It must fit you better than that dye colour. Anyway, it won't be long until we see back ourselves" she informed.

"What?! How?" I said, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I got a scholarship to a school in Sicily, Allegro High school and I know you school there. Mrs Merkel is now in search of a foster-"

"Allie can adopt you!" I exclaimed "I will call you later"

I need the call and wore my slippers, running to Allie's office when I bumped into Haaland.

"Hey, where is Allie?" I asked, trying to look above his shoulder.

"He is not at home, Jo" he said, pushing my head back down "He will be in 1 week. Denzel, Hester, Lawton and I are suppose to travel to China today. I was coming to inform you that sadly, Kiernan is in charge for the next 1 week"

"Ohhh" I frowned "But you will call?" I asked, showing off my phone.

He chuckled "Yeah, if anything goes wrong call immediately" he said "We're about to go now"

"I will leave you guys at the door then" I said walking by his side "It's kinda sad Allie just left without telling me"

"He's still trying to get custom to you being back, Piccolino. Rauw was devasted when they took you but it was understandable, you two were really close when you were young. He was the first one to hold you after mom gave birth to you prematurely" He said "He will soon be fine, don't worry"

"Mom? Who are our parents? I've only heard you guys speak about Casey's mother, aren't we siblings?"

"Jo, Casey is our half sister and her mother is our stepmother. Our mother died while giving birth to you, there was no way to save her that day" He replied in a careful tone.

"So... My original birthday is also her death day?" I asked.

He nodded "and also the day Donato Masseria lost all rights to ever be a member of our family when he got married to that woman" he said.

I turned to face ether others down at the lounge. They were spreading carrying their bags, Denzel ordered Kiernan on the rules while the others were either discussing or eating. Special note to Lawton.

"Bye guys. Coma back soon" I said "Greet Anwen for me"

"We aren't going to meet him but anyway..." Lawton said, giving me a small hug.

"Bye Del" Denzel said "Be careful with Kiernan" he warned, putting special emphasis on the words.

We laughed at him and waved them good bye as they walked out of the house, entering into the parked cars in the driveway and drove away.

I glanced around me and noticed that neither Casey nor Riordan were here. Kiernan had already closed the doors and ran off to the gaming room so I was free. I walked up, searching for Rio or Casey.

The door of a room was slightly ajar. I silently looked into it and saw Est seating down on a leather chair with a guitar in his hand and an arranged camera in front of him. He played to some melodious tuned and started singing, his voice was deep but low and soft with some glint of perfection.

"Wow" I gasped, tucking my hair "he's great" I said, attempting to walk away but I knocked down a nearby vase, gaining his attention.

"What are you doing here?!" He said angrily, fuming.

"I'm sorry" I said "I was just looking for you and-"

"Can't you mind your fucking business! Just shut up already! First, you take away my mother with your stupid birth and now, you take away my brothers. Get out of my room and my life!" He shouted angrily, keeping the guitar away.

I flinched at his harsh tone, my mind going completely blank at the familiar scenario atht made chills run down my spine. My breathing visibly hazied and tears filled my eye duct a little.

"Sorry" I responded in a low tone before walking out of his room. I ran to mine and fell down on my bed, feeling apsome weird feeling creeping inside me as I stared at the ceiling.

His words made me scare for a minute. It didn't make much sense how or why he made me scared because I could also have given him a rude reply but now... My mind couldn't think of anything as sang his words, filling my eyes with his tone.

"Melza?" Kiernan called out, walking into the room and seeing tears rolling down my cheeks.

I quickly whipped them and looked up at him "Y-yeah?" I muttered.

"Are you crying? I knew you will miss Rauw but not that much" He asked, walking up to me.

"No it's nothing" I brushed it off "I just- My mind... it's difficult to explain"

"I don't know why but I feel like you and Rauw are hiding something..." he stated "You are... acting strange, no offense but it's like you ignore some important general facts"

I nodded "Yeah, I get that alot. I'm fine, I swear. What did you want?"

He frowned but replied "We are organising a party tomorrow. None of the elders know and I wanted to ask if you will be attending in case?"

I thought for a moment and shook my head "I will think about it but I ain't sure..."

He nodded and placed a small kiss on my forehead, mustering a small 'good night' before walking out of my room.

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